Spending time with my wife and son Dakota Iapi - Dakota language Wacipi - Powwow dancing Playing Madden Surfing the web
I want to meet my ancestors when I cross over to the next world.List of People I would like to meet (will continue to grow):Any Dakota language speaker. My paternal grandfather, never got to meet him. Miles Davis Kevin Garnett
Owas - all Wacipi Odowan Blues Jazz Classical Oldies Rock Country R&B
Nothing too grusome. I like Mystery, Suspense, Drama, Comedy, and Documentary Genres I like to laugh at "Indian" movies.
Cartoons, basketball, and video games. Daily Show, Spongebob squarepants (with son), Noggin, Curb, Six feet under, etc.
Dakota language, American Indian novels, history, and culture. Any fiction novel that reads fast.
Akicita Owas - All the warriors who stood and are still standing up for the Native ways of living. The Mankato Runners. The Dakota Commenrative Marchers. Any person currently working on Dakota language revitalization.