Art, Music, People, Video games, Making food, Eating food, Makin money, Spending money, Other activities...
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Just some open minded generally nice out going people. Mabye some people with my same interest. Umm. People who are really laid back and can just be themselves. I don't like people that are influenced by stuff that is out there like its a religion
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I like alot of stuff, from Pink Floyd, Blink 182, 3 Doors Down, DJ Tiesto, Paul Oakenfold, Ben Folds Five, Metallica, R.E.M., Weird Al Yankovic, The Crystal Method, Bush, Dave Mathews Band, GreenDay, Incubus, Korn, M.Manson, Authority Zero, Jars of Clay, Men at Work, Virtical Horizon, RadioHead, Masiah, Butthole Surfers, L.Park, Madonna, M.Jackson, WhiteTown, Oasis, L.Biscuit, GooGoo Dolls, Daft Punk, Traditinal Irish music, Some Bluegrass, NO RAP, NO COUNTRY Lil bit O' Jazz, Some Classical, A lil bit of Opera, and many many more!!
Once again, I am very open bout movies, I personaly have not had to pay for a movie since 1997, because I am so well known in the cercuit of theaters for my wonders of barter trading, and employment! So I watch a lil of everything, ask me and I shall tell you if its good or not!
I do not watch much TV. If I do, it's either King of the Hill, Simpsons, Friends, or something along those lines...I miss McGuyver like you would not believe!
Use to read all the time when I was younger, but now I find that it's not as enjoyable as it used to be, plus it's hard for me to find a good book. Unless someone recomends it highly.
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--- SUPERMAN rules, he's the ultimate hero! Other than that, I'm my own hero...HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAAAAAY!
According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:
Why don't you check it out? Or we cut off your Johnson!