siempre una alma rebelde profile picture

siempre una alma rebelde

Soy combatiente, nadie me va a parar

About Me

“Me siento tan patriota de Latinoamérica , de cualquier país de Latinoamérica , como el que más y, en el momento en que fuera necesario , estaría dispuesto a entregar mi vida por la liberación de cualquiera de los países de Latinoamérica , sin pedirle nada a nadie , sin exigir nada, sin explotar a nadie .”

- Che

My Interests

EQUALITY, unity, multiculturalism, diversity,

social change, fighting for what is right.

YA BASTA ! Justicia Democracia Libertad !

Derechos Humanos

I'd like to meet:

MANATICA PARA SIEMPRE.....Bendits sea tu precencia..

Isn't Lalo the CUTEST, here's what he put on his page about our engagement:

Well, well...It's been a while since I have posted anything or even replied to any of you on myspace . I apologize for that. I've been, busy...Really...I have. Well, about the info that you have all heard rumors about...Yes...I am engaged to Casey.

About the details, well, where should I begin. Casey and I recently went to Los Angeles, CA for a Mana concert at Universal Studios Hollywood on February 16. I was planning on putting the ring on her finger at the concert while the lights were out. But when we got there, they had giant screens where they were showing txt messages that people were sending to a 5 digit # ( thanx to Sprint) from people there at the concert. So I told her I was sending a message and that she should look at the screen for it.

But she never expected me sending this message, "Casey McConnell, will you marry me?" She thought I was joking at first and then she watched as I took out the ring from my pocket and put it on her finger. She thought I would send something like... Casey, I love you or something like that...But she was so happy that it wasn't the latter. She was crying from happiness. An older man and his daughter watched from far away as I gave her the ring and they came over to congratulate me and Casey...They also offered to take our picture to commemorate the moment.

The weekend couldn't have been better. I had never been to a concert before in my life, but I am happy that Mana was my first because they were awesome...It was like watching a music video live because they sounded so good in concert. The next day we went to Disneyland too, which was fun, but we don't want to do that again for a while.

About the wedding, the date will be September 22nd. I will give you all more details later on. I will try to communicate to all of you sometime soon, but it might be a while with school, wedding planning, work, etc...I hope to talk to you all soon...Thank you all for the great wishes. Later.


Who I'd like to meet :
I've already met my one true love and her and I will get married on September 22nd. I love you with all my heart Casey.


Maná Manu Chao Azam Ali Niyaz The Sounds Pearl Jam Mira Frou Frou Federico Aubele Imogen Heap Si*Se Amy Winehouse A Fine Frenzy KT Tunstall Ely Guerra Café Tacvba Banda Machos Calle 13 Ñejo y Dalmata Asobi Seksu Fase Türkü Kinky Panteón Rococó Bersuit Vergarabat Tiger Army Volumen Cero La Habitacion Roja M.I.A. Ozomatli


"Changes occur that way . Suddenly the bricks fall into place in some sort of chaotic serenity. " - Gael.

Diarios de Motocicleta.


Hotel Rwanda.

Y Tu Mama Tambien.

Amores Perros.

HP 1-4, Of course.


Cold Case, X-Files (ah yesssss), Californication (bra-zilliant), Scrubs, Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, Sportscenter


Harry Potter 1-7 His Dark Materials Trilogy by Phillip Pullman


"Todos y cada uno de nosotros paga puntualmente su cuota de sacrificio, conscientes de recibir el premio en la satisfacción del deber cumplido, conscientes de avanzar con todos hacia el hombre nuevo que se vislumbra en el horizonte.” Ernesto Guevara

My mom and dad.

El Che .

Zapata .

Subcomandante Marcos .


My Blog

Necessity and law: getting past illegality

..>Author: Emile Schepers People's Weekly World Newspaper, 02/21/08 16:17 ..> The anti-immigrant movement sets great store by "legality." One of their favorite taunts is "What p...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:31:00 PST

The machine gun of capitalism

The machine gun of capitalism Dead soldiers, peak oil and mind-boggling profits; praise Jesus, the machine's still working By Mark Mor...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:46:00 PST

Wall Street and Immigration

..>Wall Street and Immigration: Financial Services Giants Have Profited from the Beginning Peter Cervantes-Gautschi | December 4, 2007 ..> Americas Program, Center for Internati...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 01:48:00 PST

Outrage fatigue? Get over it

Outrage fatigue? Get over it Are you sick of being sick? Suffering way too much Bush-induced nausea? Well, tough By Mark Morford, SF G...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:07:00 PST

NAFTA, Inequality and Immigration

..>NAFTA, Inequality and Immigration Laura Carlsen | November 6, 2007 ..> Americas Program, Center for International Policy (CIP) ...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 10:12:00 PST

What Che means to me?

What Che means to me Che the word itself means nothing to me.  The man who would become "El Che" Ernesto Guevara de la Serna means immeasurable things to me.  Che symbolizes all that sh...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 09:06:00 PST

The Real Reason People Fear Evo Morales

The Real Reason People Fear Evo Morales By Roberto Lovato, New America MediaPosted on October 3, 2007, Printed on October 8, 2007 "Why are you going to go li...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:15:00 PST

Just How Gay Is The GOP?

Just How Gay Is The GOP? Sen. Larry 'Wide Stance' Craig, just another in a long daisy chain of happy homoevidence By Mark Morford, SF ...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 12:45:00 PST


Support the people of Oaxaca and protest against the opression.  We are all of the same blood. None of us should be treated like pigs. Todos somos Oaxaca. We are all Oaxaca.Resiste pueb...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 09:41:00 PST

Words from Fidel

OF all the presidents of the United States, and those who aspire to that office, I only met one who, for ethical-religious reasons, was not an accomplice to the brutal terrorism against Cuba: James Ca...
Posted by siempre una alma rebelde on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:54:00 PST