Back in the day peeps...folks that went to Pollicita, Jefferson high, and yes even Westmoor that went to school with me. Also whoever is coo.....Oh yeah one more thing. Im not no big headed mofo but at least say whats up when trying to add me as a friend. Im not like a pokemon card that you can collect for your 4 billion friends list. I'll straight up deny button your ass. Go point at the mirror...yes...YOU. I keeps it real and I like my friends to be real too. Oh I also visit L.A. from time to time so anybody down there too.. DRAMA FREE! I like to keep it like that!
Music hummm....whats that? Naw just playing music is my life.
"Still waters run deep" Nuff said.. Look Claire is drunk again!! Im reppin the bay of course...and Ron is in love with a stripper!!!!No??? Im not drunk!Bern Me Claire at Elephant Bar and no im not drunk!! My sister her boyfriend and me are trying to see whos teeth are bigger!!
Please help with donations folks. My lil nephew needs your help. Info is at my blog...thx!!chris laughing
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My three nephews!! The oldest, bad boy of the three Nate, THIZZIN'on some now-a-laterz, with his stunna shades on! The older of the twins Christopher Joesph Padua with his mohawk! Of course the younger and BIGGER one of the two Evan Tristian Padua