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Jun Kazama(Ecological Fighter)

Ecological Fighter

About Me

Jun is a master in Aiki - jujitsu. She is a WWWC top field operative. She works undercover for this organisation that works mainly to expose illegal animal exporters. She is known as "the pretty flower". A nature maiden, she grew up in the wilds of Yakushima (a remote Japanese region). She was taught of the spirits and the flow and energy of nature. She became " The chosen one" by her relatives prior to moving to Tokyo. However, it didn't take long for her to divert her attentions to the hectic city life. She soon forgot about her childhood teachings. However, one day the ghost of her dead father appeared to Jun and convinced her to go back to her natural origins. Since this encounter, she learns of Kazuya's evil animal trade. She also learns of the darkness within his spirit. She vows to stop his illegal animal trade and exorcise the demons that inhabit his soul! Tekken 2
Jun is an officer of the WWWC, a wildlife protection organization. She is called "The Chosen One" by her relatives. She is highly psychic and can sense a mysterious power surrounding Kazuya, which turns out to be the Devil Gene threatening to turn him into a demonic version of himself. At the WWWC's orders, she sets out to arrest Kazuya Mishima, who smuggles environmentally-protected animals.
When the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 was coming to an end, Jun Kazama comes to the stunning realization that Kazuya's supernatural strength stems from Devil. But she cannot help being drawn to him, propelled by a mystic force beyond her control.
Tekken 3
During the "King of Iron Fist Tournament 2", Jun Kazama became pregnant by Kazuya Mishima. At the conclusion of the tournament, Devil left Kazuya and attempted to possess Jun's unborn child, but Jun defeated Devil. She later gave birth to a baby boy who she named Jin. 15 years after the birth of her son, Jun sensed the approaching of Ogre and warned Jin to seek out his grandfather Heihachi should anything happen to her. One night, Ogre did indeed attack, and Jun went missing. Jin assumed that Jun was dead.
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