...Michelle Chang...
...The Wandering Fighter...
In Tekken 2, Michelle's mother had been kidnapped by Ganryu, who was working for Kazuya. Kazuya wanted the amulet. She had entered the tournament to rescue her mother. Michelle meets Ganryu and battles him. After defeating Ganryu, she rescues her mother and returns home. However, unknown to her, Ganryu had fallen in love with her. Upon returning home, Michelle casts the amulet into the ocean so that it can no longer cause any trouble.
A couple of years later, Michelle discovers an abandoned baby girl nearby her village. She adopts the infant, names her Julia, and loves her as if she were her own daughter. When Julia grows into a teenager, Michelle teaches her Chang Kenpo and various Chinese martial arts. Later, Michelle is kidnapped by Heihachi Mishima for her amulet, which had the power to awaken Ogre with its great power and spirits. Julia had entered the tournament to defeat Heihachi and save her mother. She appears in Julia's ending, being reunited with her adopted daughter.