I am having two send off parties in back to back nights of mayhem on the last two days of the month. Please RSVP and put in a friend request if you coming and are not already on my friends page.
If it involves the creative process and offeres insights into the human experience and what it means to be and feel alive - count me in. Music drives my life but i do other things: Alpine skiing, sky or scuba diving and restoring vintage cars. PLEASE NOTE: Organized Sports is way down the list unless it is individual competition and involves machines or horses. Persoanl Tallents: I have a knack for taking pictures - check the blog. City: I go to openings and galleries, theatre and just walk around. Country: I spend a great deal of time wiping mud off my boots. Tearing down and rebuilding and mending fences and corrals gives one a great deal of insight into the human psyche.
Other things: Alpine ski spending part of the winter in Vail. I also have a place in the Garden District in what is once again becoming New Orleans - I go to help support those whose lives where catistrphically changed; they carry-on offering the cusine and the music and a kind of warm hospitality only found in the Big Easy.
There is a 1,000 image slide show of the last trip down with some of the crew from Arlene's
-Below are links to slide shows of our walking tour of New Orleans
This one for the French Quarter tour:
This one for the cemetary tour:
This one for the zoo:
This one for River Walk and Frenchman/Toulouse St's.
This one for Swamp/Bayou tour
This one for garden district:
This one for Bourbon Street debauchery:
This one is for Rock'n Bowl Zydico Night:
The Nineth Ward and Dog Park
I spent a week in Vail Colorado skiing this winter; it was cold so there are not a lot of pics;
As you can tell - i travel a great deal; Europe, Asia and all over the US and Carribean. I hope to post some images of travels I have made but like I said - not enough time and space.
Rob is a friend from Arlenes;
he started singing knock out renditions of Guns&Roses that earned him the monikor "Axle Rob". He is a great guy and a good human being as well as a modest tallent. He started a band FEEF which gained an immediate following mixing the G&R covers with an expanding library of new material. The new material is thankfully now the focus and the song writing, performance and show are there to back up the strength of the raw material. Reviving Rock as a respectable genre is going to be tough but FEEF, Zo2, Diablo Royale have that elusive element - class - and will pull it off. This is the pic set of their show at Rock Asylum March 30th 2007; those of FEEF are some of the finest I have taken todate - the belly dancers are good too.
Rock Asylum March 30th 2007
.. .. I'd like to meet everyone in there most expressive environment for five minutes and spend a lot longer with some of them. Everyone has something to offer and something to say - good or bad. New York is full of interesting people; all of whom have ideas, passions and talents to share.
Conversation, creativity, and inspiration are found everywhere.
I enjoy musicians and writers and I enjoy making music and puting pen to paper. I enjoy fashion people - but not so much "the BIZ"I long for the expressive, creative and purity of truely honest emotion, profound feeling and deep passion expressed in any form, any language and any subject. ART! In my book, artistic tallent is the ability to channel, refine and express those elements.
There is an artist photographer living in Brazil whose work I admire greatly: She is teaching me how to live through her art and photography; I may never speak to her but have learned volumes through her work...
to see her photos...
Click here for Petra photos
And anyone with hunter horses - who actually rides them.
When i want a break from it all I go out and watch the young horses play in the fields.
Someone I did meet Mr Robert Kaplan; a photographer for the New York Times; he put my picture in the paper for the Resturant review
Click Here=NYT Blog
of my favourite New York Eatery "Les Enfant Terribles" See the blog for pic and review.
(I LIKE LIVE; up close and personal:)
Marylnn Carino,
Kristin Diable,
Jesse Cook,
Gretchen Witt,
Katy Pfaffel, ,br
Arlenes Grocery World Famous Karaoke Band,
Zoie Baunaham, (yes, the late great drummer's daughter)
The event Rock Asylum,
Edible Red,
These are all people I see locally and watch evolve musically; it is a great privilege as they are great artists. many are listed in my friends- check them out!
I also listen to an eclectic variety of recorded music.Robie Shankar,
Alpha Di Yah Yah,
Mississpppi John Hurt
David Wilcox - the blues singer
(Give me new; give me engery, give me passion, give me differant. If someone gets up and says: "I have a sound that I am compelled to share." Then they have something. Most I like are outside the US but some are here; and some are very good.
My moods change; Roots, to jazz to hard rock... I like it all
As Jim Morrison said: "I straddle the fence and my balls-hurt." Most of the musicians i know will play anything if it has artistic merit and suits the mood. My favorite moods; mostly I listen to Flamanco and North Africian Contemporary; some people call it world beat in the US it tends toward roots music and deep southern or Chicago blues.
I return the artistic favor of my musician friends by photographing their events.
There's nothing like win, win.
- Halloween 06 FUN WOW!
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To see the pics of the bands latest show:-
There's more photos on my Blog if you want to spend some time.
ZThe more foriegn - the better.
Good comedy is getting harder to find -
I miss Peter Sellers. I do speak french and that helps a lot with the foriegn stuff. Good movies: Usual Suspects, Bullet, French Connection, The Party, Chaplin, The big Night,Lawrence of Arabia, Lord of War, Blue, Everything you wanted to Know about Sex, 24 Hour Party People, End of the Century, so many more... well written films.( Fun can be a silent film festival on a brick wall in a parking lot with sythisizer accompanyment. If someone does it - e-mail me)
Film can be timeless; there are many I long to see again; sentimental but many intuitive; if you see something too young you need to see it again. The Graduate, Blade Runner, Sophie's Choice are examples of films that mean differant things to differant generations and individuals at differant stages in there lives. Then there is Papillion a film i will watch anytime.
(Don't have one.)
I have NY PD Blue outside my window; (live and often in surround sound.)
I prefer to look at art, listen to music or find a live event and share it.I will sit at the computer; draw or write.
I am going to post more art on this page when i have a chance; i have travelled extensively and documented a great deal of the works of the impressionists and have developed a deep respect for their accomplishments of abstraction, color and portayal of mood, stilness and movement. TV has yet to capture me the same way. If i watch a program once - I need never see it again - like a fast food meal; but Opera, a play or a gallery i can return to again and again; I never tire of the horses, the cat or the dogs for the same reason - they are real and immediate and are desparately trying to communicate through a silent language. For this reason painting remains mysterious and magical and a world unto itself. I have eagarly listened to the same performer play the same set of songs at least 100 times and at the same time at least 100 times heard them played 100 differant ways. I never tire of that nuance - Thank you Kristin.
If i did have one i would look for this type of balance of truth, humour, intellegence and edification. Thank you Jon Stewart
Classics: HG Wells, Dickens, Hugo, Shakespere, Heminway, JP Sartre,- I was raised on the classics and love them.
I have always longed for the romance of the sea and have a collection of tallship memoires and a lot of tall ship pics.
Lately i have been drawn into non fiction;less and less fiction; more bios and historical reviews.
I love science and spend perhaps too much time absorbing the theories, discoveries and hypothocies of physicists, biologists and astronomers; string theory, revitility and sub atomic particals - it keeps my mind busy.
Check this out Magnets and Liquid Nitrogen :
.. width="425" height="350" ..
I have read everything John Grisham has written and enjoyed every word but regtret the films never stood up.
There is a ton of truth in a book called "The Horse Whisperer" Anyone with children or a pet should read it
I drive a great deal and enjoy narrations of books in the car - mostly lectures and historicals. I used to be more of a product of what I read - now I am more of a product of where i have been and whom i have met. Travelling both removes the mystery from places and re-enforces it with understanding, compassion and sentiment. I find books and film create interest in things but it is being there that one remembers. Historians create history - rarely the people that make history - they are too busy doing. So we have reporters, historians and economists for facts from a point of view, film makers and futurists for fancy and fiction writers and poets for the meat on the bones but the real tallent are the cartoonists and comedians who package it all and deliver it with wit day to day and the musicians who play the sound track.
(My grade 8 teacher) John Helkima,
(my University professor) Laurie Tarshis,
Marshall Macluan,
Niel Young
The women; there have not been many but they all have been very special and I have enjoyed their attention and lavishing my own on them. Intemacy is a precious thing.
There is a long list of people I admire.
Also, everyone who has ever kept their word to me - especially when it didn't matter; thankfully, it is a long list; and it was my greatest pleasure to repay them in kind.
Who will you believe and whom will you remember?For me: Jon Stewart.LOL
Who do I admire most; Shirley Lawrence - a true women and I thank her in my heart for her compassion and kindness.
Just back from New Orleans; This is the Spotted Cat on Frenchmen Street; Sunday Brunch; This is kitchen music at it's best (remember to pause Kristen's playing before starting video)