Something Different profile picture

Something Different

Hurts so good

About Me


I have a secret fetish that very few people know about. Most people would consider it weird but I like to be hit in the groin by women. This includes stuff like kicking, kneeing, punching, stomping, and grabbing. Yes it hurts, but there is pleasure that comes from it somehow.

Anyways I would love to hear from women who like to kick men in the balls! Please feel free to leave ideas and threats in the comments section!!Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Women kicking men in the balls. Ballbusting. Groin kicking, kneeing, punching, stomping. I'm not into anything permanent or sticking anything into my balls like needles, nails, or pins. I am not into male/male stuff either.Getting hit in the groin is a sexual thing for me; where there is pleasure in the pain. Some people like to be spanked, some like to be whipped, I like to be kicked in the groin.


I evenutally will probably get some fetish movies, but I have to stick with the ballbusting that Hollywood provides for right now.


Love any movie where woman kicks or knees a guy in the nuts!! I love it when they zoom in on it and show both thier reactions.


Ideal Wife

