i love...
licking envelops, white teath, sun tans, green eyes, lace, green coathangers, driving,snake skin shoes, blonde hair, summer dresses, Mrs Mars, winter coats, water bombs, red cars, FAST cars, classical music,road trips,big crowds, traffic lights, late nights, fortuitous anger, caramel coffee, smiles, Japanese tourists, gravity, drag races, black and white, stationary, catching trains, bridges, pulling pranks, sunrises, homeless people, yellow illumination, bush walks, freckles, coco, fresh linen, staring at clouds, thirteen, reminiscing, spontanious kisses, late night talks to sunny, disabled toilets, polishing shoes, fine liners, drivers and lemons, cooking in a 1950's floral dress, double sided tape, making clothes, boys shorts, unsucessful street performers, newly cut grass, concession cards, drinking straight vodka! polaroid photos, suspendors, bickfords Aqua Pura, oldschool videos, theatre, banging, gangs, losers (like brian), retarded lesbains, boats, sydney herald, the hardcore cult, pretty bows, painted fingernails, sunshine, blue bikini's, dressing up as a police women, yellow balloons, touch of silk, puppy dog eyes, Elizabeth street, Elizabeth street Arcade, Elizabeth street's seventeen, red cordial, toe peepers, boys in aviators, boys in versace, boys with dark brown hair, blatant cajolery, sarcasm, roundabouts, dolce&gabanna, gold, unplanned evenings, uniforms, stomping the night away on boats, goldfish, pearls, arabs, midgets, alice in wonderland, fairy lights, purple orchids... i think you see where im going with this.
Sarah Michelle Gellar (BUFFY) because nearly everyday some random comes up to me and says.. "You know who you look like..."
DIRTY dirty HOUSE music
why... the notebook of course! Everyone says its such a dream, but i dont care. Life is gonna be like that for me.
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