Playing Music, Listening to Music, going out with friends, watching good bands. I like playing my nintendo and gettin paid
Well i wish I could have met Joe Strummer.
I wanna meet Billy Bragg
and I met Jud n Pete of the Disables on my birthday was which was awesome. And went to sydney and caught up with the SC Trash boys who made me feel right at home, Cheers guys.
The Clash, Joe Strummer, Billy Bragg, Operation Ivy, Rancid, Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards, Bad Religion, Marching Orders, Elvis, Sydney City Trash, Mutiny, Johnny Cash, Woody Guthrie, The O'Hooligans, Zombie Ghost Train, CatGut Mary
The Disables
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Marching orders-gig 1
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Operation Ivy Yellin In My Ear
A Clockwork Orange, Footrot Flats, Night Watch, The Shining, Dr.Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb, Taxi Driver, Play Misty For Me, Rude Boy, Mallrats, Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust, Detroit Rock City, Dazed and Confused, Bound for Glory.
Mission Hill, Harvey Birdman Attorney At Law, Arrested Development, Scrubs, Real Stories, Radio Karate.
every dead thing, dark hollow, the white road, the killing kind, the black angel, the unquiet, nocturnes, bad men...ha actually those are all just john connelly books hmmm. i like the harry potter books. and also just a bunch of other thriller/mystery books
Joe Strummer, Billy Bragg, Woody Guthrie, the blokes from SC Trash are fucking champs. Shakey Pete's a cool guy too.