.......writing a novel entitled "Peter's Shadow" - concerning a fictional junky and his ongoing argument with the Holy Ghost....
......the only people for me are the mad ones; the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars......
....We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are....
.....Johnny Homer told me there is nothing permenant except change, so your garden goes on growin' and that means loss as well as constant new treasures to make up for a few disasters. Pippy Lobo laughed at what Johnny said then lit a cigarette.....
....after she kissed me that time she told me that this myth that mankind is basically good deludes people into thinking that they are always victims, never villians; always deprived, never depraved. It dismisses responsibility as the teaching of a darker age. It can excuse any crime, because it can always blame something else - a sickness of our society or a sickness of the mind. Now no one is accountable, I thought. If she is right in what she just said - no one is accountable, even to his conscience. Doesn't anyone pray anymore? Doesn't anyone cry out? And really mean it. From the deepest most broken part of the inside of their chest?...sometimes she could steal the blue from her own eyes....
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