i love beer long walks in the park. doggs all drugs. all!! fights with friends. p mill shit. and all kinds of falling down
i would like 2 meet u and ur famly some pittbulls a man name kid. lil markis,senbad not the pirit that black guy. some homeless people that smoke crack butt sell weed. tony yayo of g-unit. herpess! so i cen find a way 2 get rid of them. a bmx star. stanit and nick . bridman. and the guy that made cell phones. the guys that work 4 milfseekers i need a job
all butt gods
all butt gods
prison shit,inked,i have fond myself in jail a lot so i dont wach tv that much
all butt dont tell people i cen read or ill lose all my true friends
david outten shug night slimthug and crazy music stars not like hanson and rhonda u kno u r and the things u do 4 meand the most inportent person in my life brit h i dont give last names she knows that she's my heroe and will 1 day give me money lol