*♥ANGEL OF UR DREAMS♥* profile picture



About Me

Well, my name is Paula & welcome 2 my page, if ya don't like it...EXIT NOW!! Neway, I'm a 32 year old single mother of 2 beautiful children that r my life & without them I'm nothing & have no meaning on this earth so I thank GOD 4 them each & every day!! My son is 12 & my daughter is 10. Damn I'm old!! I'm currently working @ a PCH (Personal Care Home) & so far I like it. I've looked 4 a job that wuz convient 4 me being a mother of 2 with no help 4 so long now that I hope that this one is it...@ least 4 now!! Let's see...I HATE fake ass ppl who try 2 b something else 4 others! I don't even want 2 get 2 know u if u r 1 of these individuals! I love my friends & guys seem 2 b intimidated by this...TOOOO DAMN BAD!! I love candles, I don't have a favorite color, chicken wings is one of my favorite foods, I like winter but hate 2 travel in it, I have 3 cats, My family is my life, & if ya wanna know more then just ask...I'll tell ya!! I'm up 2 making new friends & finding old ones, which I have recently on here & that is sooo cool! Just know that if u do disrespect me, I will either DELETE YOU, or IGNORE UR SICK ASS!! Mkay bitches? Have a nice day now ya hear??!!

My Interests

Partying with my friends whenever possible, Geez, I dunno....I basically take life as it comes as me... ...

I'd like to meet:

Hmm,who I'd like 2 meet..well ne1 famous would b awsum but I'd guess I'd say Alyssa Milano,50 Cent,Eminem,& VIN DIESEL! Outside of celebrities, I'd like 2 meet some really kool and good friends here that I can just b myself around and not worry, if ur not that person, get outta my page and keep on movin cuz u ain't wanted here either!! Ta ta!!
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Anything I can understand wut they are saying, or if I can't understand the words, at least give me a good beat I can bounce 2!!


Scary, HILARIOUS ONES, some romance but not 2 much...


reality, music channels...wutever interest me when I'm chanel surfing...


Well 1st and 4most my children are my #1 hereos...will never b another like em, then my parents..thru my ruff times as well as my good ones I know I can always depend on them, my brother Barry b4 my other siblings cuz he'll fuck ne1 up that fucks wit me so bware, just a warning..my pappy is the glue 2 our family so ya, he's a huge hereo 2 all of us...I would say friends, but nahh, they come and go, I'm learning this slowly, or maybe I haven't found someone who is willing 2 b there 4 me ALL THE TIME, like I am 4 them..newho, ya, that's it 4 now!! latta!

My Blog


Once upon a mountain top, 3 little trees stood & dreamed of what they watned 2 become when they grew up. The 1st little tree looked @ the stars and said, "I want 2 hold treasur...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 06:59:00 PST


  'Twas the night before Jesus came & all thru the house, not a creature was praying, not one in the house. Their Bibles were lain on the shelf without care, in hopes that Jesus would not com...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 06:07:00 PST

Things seem 2 b coming along nicely...

 Ahhh....finally things seem 2 b coming along so nicely 4 me! Even tho life is keeping me busy most of the time, it's a good feeling @ most times! As most of u know, I've finally got my job, &...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 05:32:00 PST


Work is goin pretty good so far! I'm catching on pretty good, but wuts killin me is the hrs. Thru the week I work daylight & on the weekends it's the graveyard shift so my sleeping patterns r soo ...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 07:20:00 PST


Well, where do I begin? Hmmm, so far life is ok...I think. I mean, I finally got my job & it's in the field that I like but I do have sum issues that needs 2 b worked out there. I'm still wor...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:41:00 PST


The search is FINALLY OVER!! Damn, took long enuff but yea, i finally got a freakin' job!! And it's actually sumthing i love doing, & that is taking care of the elderly. I got my job @ a PCH ...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 04:44:00 PST


I have 2 admit that I have a lot of good friends out there, but this goes out to 2 of my closest, most bestest girlfriends in the world! I love them soo damn much & I don't know where I would...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 06:54:00 PST


I should prolly b happy that i do have a few important ppl in my life & i would b if i didn't feel like i wuz being torn in2 so many different directions all @ 1 time. I hate 2 justify this as jea...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 08:30:00 PST

Breathing is a good thing....or so I've been told.

Life, wut a wonderful concept! So many questions, so many twists & turns & so many damn hard/difficult decisions 2 make every freakin day! Don't ya wish u had life as easy as sum of those arou...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 08:11:00 PST

Everyday things i guess...

Well I guess it's been awhile since I've had much 2 say, on here that is cuz believe me now a days i've been having a lot 2 say about a lot of things that may of even gotten me in2 trouble a time or 2...
Posted by ~#1 BITCH & U LUV IT!!~ on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 04:02:00 PST