sarah profile picture


oh man. what kind of lefty hootenany is this?

About Me

im movin back to the trose! and my sis is engaged, so that means i will have to wear a dress in the next few months, and i promised her id shave. man i HATE shaving.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

jim halpert. i think we could be best friends. you know...if he really exsisted.


re-entering my college days, so a lot of tori, ani, indigo girls, just insert womyn band name here.


when the hell is the new harry potter gonna finally come out?


who's excited about the new season of "its always sunny in philly"?


michelle tea. chester himes.



My Blog

random thoughts that constitute a stupid blog

so im pretty damn tired. im tired of my job, i hope the place self destructs, only without the 3 people i actually like still in the building (ie michael penny greg and j-murder). im pretty damn tired...
Posted by sarah on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 08:20:00 PST

cancer sucks part deux

so what the fuck? a month after my mom has surgery to remove the tumor from her lung, two more pop up in the same lung. say it with me, this time with feeling... cancer sucks. and my mom has it for th...
Posted by sarah on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 10:18:00 PST

cancer sucks

cancer sucks. and my mom has it AGAIN. and that sucks. everything sucks. sucks sucks sucks sucks.
Posted by sarah on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:54:00 PST