Relocating to LA, searching for the gay. I dig on bringing smiles, queer boi styles, raging drum circles, singing randomness, people who love they dogs, freestyle writing, blowing trees,riding the metro, offering an ear, skateboarding, white chocolate mochas, political hip hop, queer music, and raising conciously aware
anyone who can show me some'a these moves. along with a kind heart and major spunk.
Darling new neighbors
screaming cyn cyn and the pons
ice cube
snoop dogg
jamie fox
ella fitzgerald
mos def
god-des and she
le tigre
miles davis
bitch and animal
animal prufrock
KRS One....
Which Star Wars Character Are You?
You are wise and a great leader. Just because you are small doesn't mean you don't have a lot of oomph behind it.
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AAHHhh books...I would surround myself if i could. I dont even need to read them, just have them in bookselves, stacked in piles on the floor, lining every empty space in my environment, and im delighted beyond belief. Like a transient who finds a featherbed at the end of the day, set up with sheets and pillow. Devine Delight. My plan for retirement is to travel and station myself in libraries across the globe. As for the present moment, my books are all in storage due to the relocation project. The last book I read was written by ishmael beah. a long way gone, memoirs of a boy soldier. Today I started reading Notes of a dirty old man, written by Bukowski, a brilliantly blunt beat writter. "I get very tired of the precious intellects who must speak diamonds every time they open their mouths." ~Bukowski
oh the single life, at least lizzy can sing 'bout it..
Lizzy the Lezzy 3
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