just about anything.....mostly music and art......lots of that
anyone that will talk to my dumb ass is more than welcome....i need models and friends....people that will listen to my shit and look at my work......i know youve got something good to say....so fucking say it already
anything good....playlist lately....tom waits: alice, rancid: the first one, joe strummer and the mescalaros: streetcore(this album rocks), and some local shit, mostly the amino acids, troubleman, petraimaculate, and some old as cold as life.....
i own more movies than you, and i probably havent even seen all of them because i buy them faster than i can watch them....i like old horror and gothic films....i like psycological thrillers and any film that leaves me staring at the screen for an hour after the film is over.....
currently The Sorrows of Young Werther by ??? i cant remember his name....but supposedly after he wrote this book in the seventeenth century people all over Europe were killing themselves after reading it.....i just had to see what that was all about.....oh and i'm reading The Way We See by another guy whos name i cant remember, but so far the first half the book is a blatent rip off of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.....but hopefully it will get better....
What is a here, is a hero someone that i emulate, or someone that i aspire to be like....well in that case than i guess it would have to be my good friend walter.....he's the only person i ever wanted to be like in my entire life....but he'll probably say the same about me....