So yer still readin this. Hmmmm curious. very. Keep reading pal. : )
I'd like to meet:
I would like to me loose wimmen with very low self esteem & can understand my need for constant handjobs in the meat sections of Smiths grocery store. I value a women who can play battleship and Dungens & Dragons... gets me wet!!!! I need a gurlfriend who can put up with my Geriatric Profanity Disorder and Constant Falling down and having my Anus bleached every so often to get that perfect shade of clear!....If ye are interested and have your own health insurance... please email me at:[email protected].. JK: )
"Do I listen to pop music because I'm miserable, or am I miserable because I listen to pop music?"
— John Cusack, High Fidelity
I like lots of movies, happy, sad, funny, weird and strange. Sci-fi or westerns... Luv em all... : ) I like the Lord of the Rings Trilogies, The Crow, Gladiator or Kill Bill...umm,... True Romance.. and more.... : )
Right now I am into Rescue Me. With Dennis Leary. Man is that show fuuuuunneeee! Other shows I keep up with are Smallville, Inked and Miami Ink. Right now those are the current ones.
Russell Means: Where White Men Fear to Tread; The Crow: The Death of Brandon Lee; Stupid White Men; Jay Leno: Leading with my chin; The Da Vinc Code; Comic Books.
Any book on how to not act like a moron!!!
Tips on how to stop liking Science Fiction Stuff!!
Heroes, hmmmmmmm, what heroes, hmmmm, maybe Carrot Top or Don Rickels or maybey that guy from CHIPS, Poncho. As you can see, my heroes are has-beens or wanna-bees. Pathitic, isn't it. Kill me now!!! : )