Adventure, Art, Bass, Beer, Being Healthy, Blue Skies, Board Games, Cleanliness, Comedy, Comics, Computer Games, Cricket, Dancing, Empathy, Eyes, Fantasy, Food, Fresh Air, Friends, Garfield, Hugs, Illustrating, Laziness, Martial Arts, Order, Photography, Pirates, Reading, Relaxing, Rollerblading, RPGs, Self Development, Silence, Sleep, Spirituality, Sport, Stars, Summer, Sunsets, Swimming, Swords, Water, Xbox
Open, friendly people with common interests! Everyone has a good soul - it's just our life experiences that changes it :)
Acoustic, Bass orientated stuff, Crowded House, Daggy 80's music, Dance music, Dredg, Eskimo Joe, Evanescence, Foo Fighters, Grinspoon, Hoodoo Gurus, Hunters and Collectors, Kiss, Live, Midnight Oil, Powderfinger, Radiohead, Rem, Talking Heads, TISM, U2, Van Halen, Weird Al Yankovic.
Amelie, Army of Darkness, Big, Clerks, Coming to America, Conan, Evil Dead, Ghost, Ghostbusters, The Mummy, Pirates of the Carribean, Shaun of the Dead, Spiderman, Star Wars, Terminator series, Twins, Xmen trilogy
Family Guy, Freaks and Geeks, Scrubs, Spaced, The Simpsons
Calvin and Hobbes, Dragonlance Saga, Garfield, Katherine Kerr's Deverry Series, Xmen, Zits
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Campbell, Danny De Vito, Patrick Dahlheimer, Rachel Weisz, Robin Williams, Sam Raimi, Simon Pegg, Will Smith, Zach Braff.