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I am here for Friends

About Me

Dear Fellow Literate Homosapiens:
I am not accepting any friend requests. If you would like to communicate with me, please add my WORKING Myspace profile, www.myspace.com/blanketbrigade05. You can click on the blanket brigade graphic below to be directed to the other page or you can find it under my friend's space. Either way, add the page, talk to me, donate a blanket, repost a few bulletins, do some good in this world before you go on to the next.
Sincerely Yours,
&sect aylai♥
When you speak your mind, make sure you're thinking with your heart.
Click on picture above.
Please donate your blanket, an old blanket, or even a new one to me! I, along with ANYONE who would like to help out, will be distributing the blankets to the homeless in the Bay Area, Saturday, December 8, 2007. No one should have to be without a blanket, especially if you're living on the COLD streets of San Francisco.
Click on picture above.
-James, IV. 17

Click on picture above.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;
(I will be in a Black Hummer at each location, bumping some hip hop, you wont be able to miss me)

Saturday, December 1st.
4pm-5pm : Fremont, CA
PetSmart parking lot, located on the back end of the Fremont Hub, where the old Naz Cinema use to be....

Sunday, December 2, 7pm-8pm : San Leandro, CA
Nordstrom Rack, off of Marina Blvd.
I'm so hot even if the weather change
I don't have no top, I'm insane
'Member dark-skinned Jermaine
Who swayed in the rain, we sorta kinda the same
'Cept, I'm no lame, and you gonna know my name
Before I go the world gon' feel my pain
They sayin, I'm a bad guy, why's that?
Cause when my back's against the wall, nigga I react
Secretly though, I know you admire that
You wish you had the balls to fire back, brrrap
Say hello, uhh uh, hello, uhh uh
You wish you had the balls to fire back, brrap!
-Jay Z, greatest rapper alive.
♥ Little Brothers from Other Mothers ♥
it's all between me and Allah, please dont worry your sweet self with it.
...He's listening...
"I myself am keeping a rest-house, whatever is within, I do not allow it to go out and whatever is without, I do not allow it to come in. If anyone comes in or goes out, he does not concern me, for I am contemplating my own heart, not mere clay."
-Rabi'a of Basra
SOCRATES: Really, Crito, why should we care so much about what "most people" believe? The best people, who are the ones we should worry about more, will realise that things were done in the way they actually were done.
CRITO: Yet you can see that we have no choice, Socrates, but to care about what most people think as well. The present situation is a clear example of how the many can injure us in ways which are not trivial, but just about as great as can be, if they are given the wrong impression about someone.
SOCRATES: If only the many could do us the greatest injuries, Crito. That would mean they were capable of doing us the greatest good as well, which would be excellent. As it is, they're incapable of doing either. They have no power to make a man either wise or foolish; nor do they care what effect they have."
-Crito, Plato

My Interests

Only God can judge him, only he without sin
Tell me if my means, justified my ends!!!
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
I, Allah, am the Seer. These are the verses of the Book, full of wisdom.
Is it a wonder to the people that We have revealed to a man from among themselves: Warn the people and give good news to those who believe that for them is advancement in excellence with their Lord? The disbelievers say: This is surely a manifest enchanter.
Surely your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, and He is established on the Throne of Power regulating the Affair. There is no intercessor except after His permission. This is Allah, your Lord, therefore serve Him. Will you not mind?
To Him is your return, of all (of you). It is the promise of Allah (made) in truth. Surely He produces the first creation, then he reproduces it, that He may reward with equity those who believe and do good. And as for those who disbelieve, for them is a drink of hot water and a painful chastisement because they disbelieved.
He it is Who made the sun a shining brightness, and the moon a light, and ordained for it stages that you might know the computation of years and the reckoning, Allah created not this but with truth. He makes the signs manifest for a people who know.
Surely in the variation of the night and the day, and that which Allah has created in the heavens and the earth, there are signs for a people who keep their duty.
Those who expect not the meeting with Us, and are pleased with this world's life and are satisfied with it, and those who are heedless of Our messages --
These, their abode is the Fire because of what they earned.
Those who believe and do good, their Lord guides them by their faith; rivers will flow beneath them in Gardens of bliss.
Their cry therein will be,Subhana ka-Allah huma Glory to Thee, O Allah! and their greeting, SalaamPeace! And the last of their cry will be: Alhamdulillahi RabilaalameenPraise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!
"When you sought the aid of your Lord, so He answered you: I will assist you with a thousand of the angels following one another.”
-Holy Quran, Surah 8

"SOCRATES: My dear Euthyphro, their ridicule is not a very serious matter. The Athenians, it seems to me, may think a man to be clever without paying him much attention, so long as they do not think that he teaches his wisdom to others. But as soon as they think that he makes other people clever, they get angry, whether it be from resentment, as you say, or for some other reason...”
"Surely the multitude are ignorant of what is right."
-Euthyphro, Plato
"Reflect upon your present blessings - of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."
- Charles Dickens

"O Allah You are my Lord, there is none worthy of worship but You. You created me and I am your slave. I keep Your covenant and my pledge to you so far as I am able. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I admit to Your blessings upon me, and I admit to my misdeed. Forgive me for there is none who may forgive sins but You." "We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."
-Thornton Wilder

"Our Lord we have wronged our own souls: If thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us thy mercy we shall certainly be lost" [Qur'an 7:23] "And be not weak-hearted, nor grieve, and you will have the upper hand if you are believers.
If a wound has afflicted you, a wound like it has also afflicted the (disbelieving) people. And We bring these days to men by turns, that Allah may know* those who believe and take witnesses from among you. And Allah loves not the wrongdoers.
And that He may purge those who believe and deprive the disbelievers of blessings.
Do you think that you will enter the Garden while Allah has not yet known those from among you who strive hard (nor) known the steadfast?"
-Holy Quran, Chp. 3, Family of Imran
"After all, the fear of death is just that, gentlemen - thinking one is wise when one is not - since it's a claim to know what one doesn't know. For all anyone knows, death may in fact be the best thing in the world that can happen to a man; yet men fear it as if they had certain knowledge that it is the greatest of all evils. This is without a doubt the most reprehensible folly - the folly of thinking one knows what one does not know.

As for me, gentlemen, perhaps here too I am different from most people, in this one particular; and if I did claim to be in any way wiser than anyone else, it would be in this, that lacking any certain knowledge of what happens after death, I am also aware that I have no knowledge."
Socrates Apology, Plato

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
-Albert Einstein

"The greatest calamity that befalls the heedless is that they are ignorant of their own faults: for anyone who is ignorant here shall also be ignorant hereafter: 'Those who are blind in this world shall be blind in the next world'(Quran, XVII. 72)

"When God wishes well unto His servant He causes him to see the faults of his soul."
-Muhammad (pbuh)

"Money cannot create a good soul, but a good soul can turn money - and everything else in private life and public life - into a good thing for men."
-Socrates, as quoted by Plato

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."
-Henry David Thoreau

"Be sure that it is not you that is mortal, but only your body. For that man whom your outward form reveals is not yourself; the spirit is the true self, not that physical figure which can be pointed out by your finger."
- Cicero

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
-Mother Teresa

"Do what you can with what you've got wherever you are."
-Theodore Roosevelt

"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on when others have let go."
- William Feather

Integrity simply means a willingness not to violate one's identity.
- Eric Fromm

My parents planted the right seeds in my mind at a young age, too young to understand the plantations and the fruits of the harvest they worked so hard for. Teachers, good friends, great loves and proper role models have added water and light to help the growth of the seeds in my fertile mind. Never understanding their words at the time they said it, years later I am confronted by the things they taught me about and I UNDERSTAND NOW. After a quarter of a century, the seeds have grown and are now blooming and blossoming into the most beautiful flowers you have never seen. How I wish my loved ones could see them.
-Saylai M.

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit."
-Nelson Henderson

"Within your heart, keep one still, secret spot where dreams may go."
- Louise Driscoll

Love for God is the true definition of loving yourself. So to love another you must first love yourself, and to love yourself, you must first love God.
- From the soul of Saylai

"I'm not ashamed of my beauty, you can see what I got"
-Britney Spears
New album is in stores and its H♥T.

"There's no difficulty in that, gentlemen, in escaping death. What is much harder is avoiding wickedness, since wickedness runs faster than death. So now, not surprisingly, I, who am old and slow, have been overtaken by the slower of the two. My accusers, being swift and keen, have been overtaken by the faster, by wickedness. Now I am departing, to pay the penalty of death inflicted by you. But they have already incurred the penalty, inflicted by truth, for wickedness and injustice. I accept my sentence, as they do theirs. I suppose that's probably how it was bound to turn out - and I have no complaints."
-Socrates from Plato

"You must regard one thing as certain - that no harm can come to a good man either in his life or after his death; what happens to him is not a matter of indifference to the God."
-Socrates Apology, Plato
"God alone originates of Himself, He who can say: I AM. What is based on itself apart from Him, is pride. Herein consists the fall of Lucifer. For he wished to stand on that which has no foundation, and thus it is that he fell into the void."
-St. Hildegard
"Men of Athens, I have the highest regard and affection for you, but I will obey God rather than you. While I have breath and strength, I will not give up the search for wisdom. I will carry on nagging at you, and pointing out your errors to those of you I meet from day to day. I shall say, in my usual way, 'My very good sir, you are a citizen of Athens, a city which is the greatest and most renowned for wisdom and power. Aren't you ashamed to be care about money, and how to make as much of it as possible, and about reputation and public recognition, whereas for wisdom and truth, and making your soul good as it can be, you do not care, and give no thought to these things at all?"
"It is not to be feared for thee lest the Way confuse thee, but verily it is to be feared for thee lest passion overpower thee."
-Ibn 'Ata illah

"This is the great trial or strife of human life, whether a man will live to the lusts of the beast, the guile of the serpent, the pride and wrath of the fiery dragon, or give himself up to the meekness, the patience, the sweetness, the simplicity, the humility, of the Lamb of God."
-William Law

"For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God"
-St. John, XII. 43

...A man should be of good cheer about his soul if in his life he has renounced the pleasures and adornments of the body, because they were nothing to him, and because he thought that they would do him not good but harm; and if he has instead earnestly pursued the pleasures of learning, and adorned his soul with the adornment of temperance, and justice, and courage, and freedom, and truth, which belongs to her and is her own, and so awaits his journey to the other world, in readiness to set forth whenever fate call him.
Phaedo, Plato
There was therefore never any time when you had not made anything, because you made time itself. And no phases of time are coeternal with you, for you abide, and if they likewise were to abide, they would not be time. For what is time? Who could find any quick or easy answer to that? Who could even grasp it in his thought clearly enough to put the matter into words? Yet is there anything to which we refer in conversation with more familiarity, any matter of more common experience, than time? And we know perfectly well what we mean when we speak of it, and understand just as well when we hear someone else refer to it. What, then, is time? If no one asks me, I know; if I want to explain it to someone who asks me, I do not know. I can state with confidence, however, that this much I do know: if nothing passed away there would be no past time; if there was nothing still on its way there would be no future time; and if nothing existed, there would be no present time."
-Augustine, from the Confessions of St. Augustine.

"The solution of the riddle of life in space and time lies outside space and time...How things are in the world is a matter of complete indifference for what is higher. God does not reveal himself in the world." - Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico - Philosophicus
"You have heard much of this world,
Yet what have you seen of this world?
What is its form and substance?
What is Simurgh, and what is Mount Kar?
What is Hades and what is Heaven and Hell?
What is that unseen world
A day of which equals a year of this?

I'd like to meet:

♥"For one is of a sort to be loved because it is loved, while the other is loved because it is of a sort to be loved."♥
- Socrates from Plato

"1.Some things are under our control, while others are not under our control. Under our control are conception, choice, desire, aversion, and in a word, everything that is our own doing; not under our control are our body, our property, reputation, office and, in a word, everything that is not our own doing. Furthermore, the things under our control are by nature free, unhindered, and unimpeded; while the things not under our control are weak, servile, subject to hindrance, and not our own. Remember, therefore, that if what is naturally slavish you think to be free, and what is not your own to be your own, you will be hampered, will grieve, will be in turmoil, and will blame both God and men; while if you think only what is your own to be your own, and what is not your own to be, as it really is, not your own, then no one will ever be able to exert compulsion upon you, no one will hinder you, you will blame no one, will find fault with no one, will do absolutely nothing against your will, you will have no personal enemy, no one will harm you, for neither is any harm that can touch you."
"You are an external impression and not at all what you appear to be."

"Everything which I have thus far accepted as entirely true and assured has been acquired from the senses or by means of the senses. But I have learned by experience that these senses sometimes mislead me, and it is prudent never to trust wholly those things which have once deceived us."
- Rene Descartes

"Another like me will not easily come your way, gentlemen, so if you take my advice you will spare me. You may very likely get annoyed with me, as people do when they are dozing and somebody wakes them up. And you might then swat me, as Anytus wants you to, and kill me, quite easily. Then you could spend the rest of your lives asleep, unless God cared enough for you to send you someone else."
-Trial of Socrates.

"And the beauty of it is that I am wise against my will."
-Socrates from Plato


Water doesn't lose purity
because of a bit of weed.
The weeds float on the surface;
the pure water flows on undisturbed.


My religion is to be kept alive by Love:
life derived from this animal soul and head alone is a disgrace.
The sword of Love sweeps away the dust from the lover's soul,
for this sword clears sin.
When the bodily dust is gone, my moon shines:
my spirit's moon finds an open sky.
For so long, O adored one,
I've been beating this drum of love for you
to the tune of
"See, my life depends upon my dying."


When the pain of love increases your joy,
roses and lilies fill the garden of your soul.

Each form you see has its unseen archetype.
If the form is transient, its essence is eternal.
If you have known beauty in a face
or wisdom in a word,
let this counsel your heart:
what perishes is not real.


Listen, O drop, give yourself up without regret,
and in exchange gain the Ocean.
Listen, O drop, bestow upon yourself this honor,
and in the arms of the Sea be secure.
Who indeed would be so fortunate?
An Ocean wooing a drop!


A soul which is not clothed with the inner garments of Love should be ashamed of its existence.

Be drunk with Love, for Love is all that exists.
Where is intimacy found if not in the give and take of Love.


The lover hotly pursues the beloved:
when the beloved comes, the lover is gone.
You are a shadow and in love with the sun.
When the sun comes,
the shadow quickly disappears.


Silence is the sea, and speech is like the river.
The sea is seeking you: don't seek the river.
Don't turn your head away
from the signs offered by the sea.


If you aren't headed briskly
towards that garden,
then get rid of your congestion
and smell the fragrance.
Let it draw your soul to the garden.


Love is reckless; not reason.
Reason seeks a profit.
Love comes on strong,
consuming herself, unabashed.

Yet in the midst of suffering,
Love proceeds like a millstone,
hard surfaced and straightforward.

Having died to self-interest,
she risks everything and asks for nothing.
Love gambles away every gift God bestows.

Without cause God gave us Being;
without cause, give it back again.


O lovers, lovers, it is time to set out from the world.

I hear a drum in my soul's ear coming from the depths of the stars.


On the Day of Judgment someone's book of deeds will be given into his hands and he will not see there any of the good deeds he did, in good faith, for God's sake. He will ask the Lord, "Why aren't my good deeds recorded in here?" and the Lord will answer, "They have been given to the ones you hurt and insulted by talking against them."
[related by Ibn Hibban]

Will ye enjoin what is right upon others, and forget yourselves?

& clothe not the truth with falsehood, and hide not the truth when ye know it... & seek help with patience and prayer: a hard duty indeed is this, but not to the humble, Who bear in mind that they shall meet their Lord, and that unto Him shall they return
- Holy Quran


"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person."
- Mother Teresa
"how many people you bless is how you measure success"
"I can imagine someone saying, 'How about keeping your mouth shut, Socrates, and leading a quiet life? Can't you please go into exile, and live like that?' Of all things, this is the hardest point on which to convince some of you. If I say that it is disobeying God, and that for this reason I can't lead a quiet life, you won't believe me - you'll think I'm using that as an excuse. If on the other hand I say that really the greatest good in a man's life is this, to be each day discussing human excellence and the other subjects you hear me talking about, examining myself and other people, and that the unexamined life isn't worth living - if I say this, you will believe me even less."
-Socrates Apology, Plato

My Blog

Hello, my name is Saylai.

My name is Saylai and I'm proud to be an Afghan-American. I am a proud American citizen who also has a great deal of pride in my Afghan heritage & culture. I love America but like many Americans o...
Posted by ∑X€∑LL∑N€∑™© on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 02:03:00 PST

08/28/2007- A Beautiful Day

I had an amazing experience today and I have to share it, especially with those of you who I know have a strong spiritual sense and faith in Allah.I was driving and I saw an old lady, I thought she wa...
Posted by ∑X€∑LL∑N€∑™© on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 03:53:00 PST

Dreams, Morals and Discipline

He dreamed of an open window. A vagina, said his psychiatrist. Your divorce, said his mistress. Suicide, said an ominous voice within him. It means you should close the window or you'll catch cold,...
Posted by ∑X€∑LL∑N€∑™© on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 12:17:00 PST


"Oh Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth to battle - be Thou near them! With them - in spirit - we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite th...
Posted by ∑X€∑LL∑N€∑™© on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 12:10:00 PST

Meeting New People

May I still venture to sketch one final trait of my nature that causes me no little difficulties in my contacts with other men? My instinct for cleanliness is characterized by a perfectly uncanny sens...
Posted by ∑X€∑LL∑N€∑™© on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 11:57:00 PST