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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love meeting new people. I am attracted to people who are real and transparent and full of flaws, but know there is something that exist greater than themselves. People who don't try to hide their flaws, but wear them openly, hoping that maybe they will help another human being feel like there is hope for them. Someone who is not afraid to take a drink, get a tattoo (hence my profile pic...), go to a rock concert or say a few choice words and still be able to turn around and talk about God all in the same 24 hours. Not because that way of living is flawed, but because they are not afraid to stand up to what religion has told them the truth is. Truth that I can not find in my Bible. I don't know about you. I am into what brings freedom. Jesus is all about freedom, not bondage. He wants us to have fun, not dumb in life or irresponisble, but nor does he want us to be stifled.
I can't stand people who try to act perfect and act as if they have it all together, or try to make others feel unworthy if they fall short of that mark. I think this kind of thinking is a killer to our society and hurts the human soul. We should all be less judgmental to one another, but instead, just be in the moment with one another. Who are we to pass judgment? I don't know about you, but I sure as hell can't cast the first stone.
I am not saying that wrong and right do not exist, they do, but there is a balance. Religion has thrown the baby out with the bath water. God trusts us to be stewards over that balance and we should trust each other to be stewards over that balance, not try to tell each other how we should or should not live. There is room for only one boss in this universe and it is neither you or I.
I can't stand religion, but love the freeing power of God. Can't get enough of it. I love walking out my journey with Him and finding out what is really true. I love being a Christian who is true to herself and true to her God. Someone who is relateable, approachable and uncompromising, but who can relate with people from all sorts of paths in this life. I love to encourage and inspire. And I am a much happier person accepting those around me as they are, flaws and all, and looking at our relationships as an opportunity to sharpen each other.
I am not afraid to get dirty. I am not afraid of differences. I don't run when life gets a little sticky. That's usually just when it is starting to get fun. My biggest hope and dream is to know I've made a mark in this world before my time is up. I am very aware of the time passing us by so quickly and feel an urgency to accomplish this. I don't feel there is anything else important on this earth than people. What else are we here for? There is nothing worth more than a human being. I believe we need to get back to this basic fundamental belief. The world would be a much better place.
I have a desire to give hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless. I hate seeing or hearing people who feel there is no hope. There is always hope! There is always a way out! Nothing is ever final. And it's amazing what God can do in 24 hours.
Well, that is a little about me :-), now it's your turn...
Brookes, my daughter, at 4 years old.
Jordan, my son, at 12 years old.
The Hill/Rocha gang.
Starting at the top left corner and going clockwise: Calvary, Cayla, Brookes, Jordan, Leslie and Avery.

My Interests

I love to people-watch. I also find anywhere I haven't been interestingly. It doesn't matter what it is or where it is, if I haven't been there then I am at my happiest. I think I am a true traveler at heart, even though I don't travel, but maybe one day I will.
I also love quotes. Here a few of my fav's. I will continue to update them as I find them.
I didn't think to bring a wash cloth or rub away the dirt. Myself and I we share this barely beating heart of hurt. And when the hurt comes theres an argument, a fight to save a smile. A small attack on human tears to dry them for a while. A dream we all should count on; yeah a vision I believe. Where confidence is found attached to wires on our sleeve. Where loneliness is history, told to pack it's shit and leave. Where guidance is a fortune, told to help in time of need. And were crying isn't secret, it's the art of how we grieve. And lessons are the key to every goal I will achieve. I will achieve! So drill it. So drill it. So hard I feel it. - Blue October
Life is worth taking it one moment at a time. One breath at a time. One lesson at a time. One SEASON at a time. We have time! - Connie Hill (My Bestfriend)
I want to carry a piece of who I was before so when I hit the wall, I really hit the wall. - Blue October
A woman should be so lost in God that a man will have to seek Him to find her.
Don't have an identity crisis. Just be yourself! - Arnita Taylor
Don't borrow from tomorrow for what you need for today.
God will only take you forward. He will not take you backwards. - My Husband
God needed people, so we need people. - Me
Attitude is a reflection of leadership, Captain. - some movie I can't remember
Long...hot...and dirty. - LOL! I'm keeping this source to myself. I'm crackin' myself up. LOL!

I'd like to meet:

God, Kiefer Sutherland, Rocco Deluca (again), Jason Wade and Ryan Tedder.


My favorite band! Rocco Deluca & The Burden @ Stubb's in Austin, TX

My best friend, Connie, and I went on a road trip and saw them in Houston, Austin and then Dallas. Three shows in four days! It was the best live show I have ever seen. The above video is from the Austin show.
This is the title song on their CD. Just wait until he lays the dobro down on the floor and plays it. :-)
The Last Goodnight, Mozella, Lifehouse, Blue October, Josh Hoge, One Republic, Maroon 5, U2 and a lot more. Anything that has smart lyrics that makes you think. I don't like songs that spell it out for you. I like songs that move you when you hear them and they have to be played loud with the windows rolled down and probably more than once.


Young Guns 1 & 2, James Bond Movies, Second Hand Lions, Oceans 11, 12 & 13, sappy love stories, Troy, Undercover Blues, Pirates of the Carribean 1 and 2 and many more.


Can we say twenty-freakin'-four (a huge 24 fan, can you tell?)
Jack and Tony going through the drive-thru.
Jack and Tony during the writer's strike.
I am also a huge fan of Prison Break. I think that and 24 are a tie for me. Those of you who know me know that was hard for me to say.

The Unit would come in second, then Big Bang Theory, Heroes, Lost and Grey's Anatomy.


God - other than that still holding try-outs.

My Blog

Lifes Journeys

Isn't life interesting? It is so interesting to me. What I find the most intriguing is looking back in my life and seeing common threads. It's like, looking back at a moment that you remember being in...
Posted by Leah on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 02:48:00 PST

My core belief.

I love meeting new people. I am attracted to people who are real and transparent and full of flaws, but know there is something that exist greater than themselves. People who don't try to hide their f...
Posted by Leah on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:38:00 PST

Empty House

I can't sleep. This house feels too empty. For the last two and a half years my best friend of two decades and her husband and three kids have lived with me, my husband and three kids. It wasn't what ...
Posted by Leah on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:42:00 PST

Who are we really?

Who are we REALLY? I mean, not what someone has told you, you are and not what someone told you, you should be, but who you REALLY are. Me? I am an onion. I have many layers. Don't we all? But I thin...
Posted by Leah on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 08:23:00 PST