Ronson L THACLINIC.COM profile picture


{Perservere + Talent} Forms a Weapon......

About Me

My name is Ronson Lambert, I am a skateboarder, it's my life and has been for the past fourteen years. I see Skateboarding as being a blessed movement, and in reference to me, it is a complete lifestyle. It's a way for me to express myself and it keeps me in harmony. I learn everyday from skating, it allows me to create and move my ideas into action in many ways. I take what I learn from skating and apply it to my life; it helps me with patience and persistence. It also keeps me very humble and for that I am thankful to skating, I have learned so much from it. I am a very quiet a shy person, at least most of the time. I find it unfortunate that people tend to judge me before knowing me. I would appreciate if people would take the time to learn how I am before casting a judgment. I pride myself in being a very honest, loyal, and moral person. I also take pride in my character and am proud of who I am as a person. I have learned in my life that struggle and adversity builds character; I find this true from experience. In describing myself; I am very outgoing, motivated, spiritual, and I am a very strong person. I have alot of heart, love to smile and be happy. I respect people if they respect me. I believe in trusting people until they destroy my trust in them. I have gained so much life experience through skateboarding, it has its ups and downs, but ultimately it is my passion and my life. If it's your passion as well, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for the support fromyou all , keep skating!!! Skating has always been there for me, even when others in my life have not. I have dedicated my life to being a good person and most significantly, a SKATEBOARDER.....

My Interests

Skateboarding!!!! I love skating flat ground, going to new spots and watching skate videos. I like to draw and design. I really enjoy music and find it to be very inspiring and uplifting pending on what I am listening to. I really enjoy the outdoors and activities outside. I like the beach and love to relax in my jacuzzi. I love positive energy and giving back to the people that have always been there for me. Watching movies and playing Rock Band are always good! I'm all about meeting new people and gaining insight and knowledge from them. I am very open minded. I have learned to always walk forward and never backwards in life. NEVER give up no matter how difficult things get!! AND, remember to the World you may be one person, but to one person you may be the World! so be happy and be happy being you, thats enough!!!="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" /

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet and talk to anyone that loves skateboarding and life!!!!!!(E-Mail)[email protected] !!!!href="http://view.mor../index.cfm.htm?useaction=viewImag e&friendID=43066467&albumID=2&imageID=6349941" target="_blank" table table table td.text div { background-image:url(' http://content.pimp-my- ..


Hiphop..BlameOne,"BRAILLE",LLcrew,LaSymphony,Atmosphere,PSC ,Eligh,Mr.Lif,Cunninlyguists,All Natual,Flynn,The Grouch,Memphis reigns,GhostFace Killah,Genelec,Abstract Rude,Jedi mind Tricks, BigL,show and A.G,Tribe called Quest,Eyedea,NAS,Seanprice,Oddities,The AliasBrothers,Tonedeff,Equipto,Benefit,The-police,The Killers,TheCure,RedHotChillipeppers,Promise ring, TheDoors,Nirvana,BobMarley,Interpol,Gangstarr,JerutheDamajaL astEmperor,sole,Grouphome,Molemen,The Gruff,littleDap,Awolone,7L,Anticon,Brother Ali,ZionI,Mcenroe,Pip Skid,Josh Martinez,Aesop Rock,Alias Brothers,Bicasso,joey the jerk,Juggaknotts,mars ill,Oddities,Mumble,Binary Star,Everything..Anything that can keep the good Vibration Flowing,I'm always down to hear and Listen to New Music Hip-Hop mainly


Napoleon Dynamite,GOONIES,Wedding crashers,Willy Wanka,Scarface,Blow,DarkWater,Halfbaked,supertroopers,Offic eSpace,CoLoRs,TrainingDay,WhiteNoise,Team america,Zoolander,BigFish,Superbad, KnockedUp,MeetTheFockers,OfficeSpace,FastTimes at Ridgemont High,TrumanShow,TheSecret,Goonies,Beetlejuice,Borat,Saw1an3b illy madison,Talladega Nights, Dodgeball,Sixth sence,The Ring,Any Buttery skateboarding videos


Simpsons,Cops,Discovery channel,King Of The Hill,Fuel Tv,South Park,Reno 911,Familyguy,Man Verses Wild,Comedy Central,Csi ,


See More Skateboarding Videos at


My FAMILY, My Friends,Skateboarding ,Albert Einstein , Keenan Milton,Tim Brauch,Harold hunter,SHane Cross, Hip-Hop,Josh Tiscareno, Crocadile Hunter R.I.P...and who ever else had made a difference in my life..