I smoke a lot of cigarettes, drink a lot of coffee, and watch a lot of movies. I tend to use dialogues from my favorite movies in normal conversations. I think it may be a compulsive disorder since I have done so since about twelve years of age. I’ve been with my boyfriend Aaron for almost three years now. He is my love and my rock. I’m also really close to my brother and sister. Those who are also close to me understand why. I reside in a small house kind of in the sticks. It’s pretty quiet and I thoroughly enjoy it despite that I only made it about 30 minutes from my hometown. I hate war, it scares me so... As do clowns and sharks… I hate meeting new people although I will be polite and speak back if someone should speak to me. I also love to read. I mostly like to read classic literature and memoirs. I’m not in college because frankly all my literary heroes don’t have any degrees and to be a great writer I don’t think you need someone else’s structure and form. You’ll also rarely find me without a book. I have them all over the place. I have them scattered in the backseat of the car, in the bedroom, sitting on the end table by my couch, and so on and so forth. I also have a mini pincher named Chubby. She’s sort of like my kid. I love her to death. She was born on Halloween in 2005. She’s lying next to me as I type this. I also hate anime… and South Park… to hell with Trey Parker and Matt Stone.