kEEp iT cUte oR pUt iT on MuTe!!!(lmao).. profile picture

kEEp iT cUte oR pUt iT on MuTe!!!(lmao)..

(nEvEr lET tHE aCCusatIons OF oTheRS deTermiNE wHo yOu reAlly aRe...) *****Be not deceived: evil com

About Me

“BECCA MEAFUA-TASI”… Married in 2001, been with my husband “CONAN IUPATI TASI” almost 10 years now and still going strong blessed with 2 beautiful children and living life to the fullest!Things you may not know: I’m a pretty NEUTRAL person when it comes to life. I prefer to kick it with family and my closest apposed to just hanging out at a bar or club where anything can happen. My family & friends have always known me as the CAUTIOUS one, the one who actually thinks a situation thru before attempting it for the first time! I try to get along with EVERYONE but that doesn’t mean EVERYONE try’s to get along with me!! I pay no attention to people who have too much PRIDE because they will always find a way to turn something positive into the worst case scenario ever. I can pretty much tell if a persons FAKE or REAL from a simple conversation, and believe me I have stories to PROVE IT. I don’t take too kind to NEGATIVITY especially if it’s pointed directly towards me or my family, but I’ve learned to flip the cynical remarks and turn it into my MOTIVATION my motto “NEGATIVITY IS MY MOTIVATION”. The more people work to put me or my family down THE MORE I’M GOING TO WORK TO PULL ME AND MY FAMILY HIGHER.ZERO TOLERANCE: One thing that I can not tolerate is GOSSIP: (Idle talk or RUMOR especially about the personal or private affairs of others.) Let me break it down for you one time…GOSSIP starts DRAMA, DRAMA causes HATRED, HATRED TURNS TO VIOLENCE, and VIOLENCE ends in SADNESS. So why even start? For those of you who have ISSUES WITH GETTING INVOLVED WITH OTHERS AFFAIRS “THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK” and for those of you who PUT YOUR PRIVATE AFFAIRS OUT FOR THE PUBLIC TO SEE “YOU NEED JESUS”.

My Interests

BABY BECCA ON HER GRADUATION DAY 06.14.2007... bAby'S GRaduaTion

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AcKnowLedGe tHose wHo HatE yOu, LaUgH aT thOse wHo deSpisE yOu, & lIve fOR tHosE wHo loVe YoU, tAke aLl tHe NeGatIvitY oUt oF yOur LifE & TuRn iT iNto YoUr MotIVatIOn bEcaUsE OtHeRs wOulD rAthEr sEE yOu FaIl tHen sUccEed... PaParAzzI's wIll AlwAyS bE arOunD tO PoINt OuT OuR fAilUrEs/fLaWs, JuSt Be sUrE tO sMile WhEn tHeY cOmE arOund BeCaUse a "PIcTuRe is wOrth A thOUsaNd WorDs". LeT tHe PaPaRzzI's dO tHEiR jOb, tHey GeT pAiD tO tElL sTorIeS...