BABY BECCA ON HER GRADUATION DAY 06.14.2007... bAby'S GRaduaTion
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AcKnowLedGe tHose wHo HatE yOu, LaUgH aT thOse wHo deSpisE yOu, & lIve fOR tHosE wHo loVe YoU, tAke aLl tHe NeGatIvitY oUt oF yOur LifE & TuRn iT iNto YoUr MotIVatIOn bEcaUsE OtHeRs wOulD rAthEr sEE yOu FaIl tHen sUccEed... PaParAzzI's wIll AlwAyS bE arOunD tO PoINt OuT OuR fAilUrEs/fLaWs, JuSt Be sUrE tO sMile WhEn tHeY cOmE arOund BeCaUse a "PIcTuRe is wOrth A thOUsaNd WorDs". LeT tHe PaPaRzzI's dO tHEiR jOb, tHey GeT pAiD tO tElL sTorIeS...