Music // friends // travel // writing // snowboarding // my bass // my piano // singing // partying // making music // ooshes [lots of ooshes] // festivals // smiling faces // laughing all the time // making people laugh // nostalgia // talking 'til the cows come home // My friends and family are my entire world //
Happy people // funny people // kiss me people // hug me people // interesting people // passionate people // teach me new things people // festival people // music lovin' people // barber shop with me people // see the world with me people // take a train to Paris with me people // running-man with me people // people who look like this...View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Raison D'etre
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind // Stardust // The Goonies // Manequin on the Move // Amelie // Chocolat // Etre Avoir // Sister Act II // Anchorman // Napolean Dynamite // Uncle Buck // Snatch // Fight Club // Memoirs of a Geisha // FlashDance // Things to do in Denver // Seven Samurai //
Don't get to watch much TV but when I do I love a bit of Mighty Boosh // Scrubs // Black Book // The News // You've Been Framed // Belle de Jour // Sex and the City // Come dine with me // The Apprentice // an episode of Friends on a Sunday morning always feels like home!
Sexy books are never dusty books
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