Carly profile picture


gYmNAtiCS iS mY liFE :)

About Me

Hi! I'm an olympic gold medal gymnast! I am 4'11, and love to have a good time! I also love to party and I have a fetish for male cheerleaders. :-* ~*KiSSeS~*

My Interests

I love gymnstics, dancing, long walks on the beach, holding hands, being hugged, and flipping around and stuff!

I'd like to meet:

Well... I have a cousin who goes to St. Eds high school. I went to a football game once and saw this AMAZING guy there. Although he was the only male cheerleader I have ever seen, I thought he was gorgeous.... I asked around the stands who he was, and a bunch of the guys replied that his name was Greg and that he was the 'sexiest man alive'. I would LOVE to meet Greg!


Anything I can listen to over and over and not get sick of it. I LOVE Greenday and the Shrek soundtrack.