wakeboarding, long boarding, surfing, mtb, crew, chillin being out doors and doing it with my best homies, Megusta camping, and Fire yea I love Fire yea that is bitchen and Jessa
Hot Freakin CHICKS!!! O yea Jesus, scott byerly, and a cool old hippie, Jack johnson, Ben harper, and people that are cool and the dude that invented the ERG SO I CAN PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE THE OL 1,2 COMBO mikey and nick ennen o yea i meet them it was sweet and I have found he girl of my dreams and I couldnt be happier
I like every thing yes even country and classical mozart yea I am good like that I dont hate but most of all I like chill music like jack j. or what ever mood I am in is what I like to hear so I am chill so I like chill music
clerkes 2, Jay and slient bob, september session,Jar Head, Fight club, Mt. Lab, Good night and good luck, BEER FEST, the gardian
dont have any time but if I had to say one show it would have to be any sweet documentry on the discovery channle like the one on the reef, and then the one on the jail system and how fucked up it is, Inked
not a big reader but I love Fight club the book and movie
MY MOM and people that do good things to others and who are chill and not all high strung people that are happy eith there life even though they dont have that much money they love what they are doing