running around naked, attempting to teach myself German, talking about my rotty, business, republicans, painting, starting bullshit music projects that are nothing more than an insult to whatever band I don't like that week -recording music under that name and putting it on myspace to see how many stupid people will add it, making money, spending money i make on meine wife
Woody Allen
iron and wine, pedro the lion, sufjen stephens, (I sincerely doubt that I will ever spell it correctly) nick drake, canned heat, O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack, skoidats, hepcat, pietasters, specials, slackers etc etc etc
Woody Allen, Edward Burns, Wes Anderson, Nick Hornby, Coen Brothers
scrubs, ghost hunters, arrested development, ed, love monkey
Sean Hannity, Nick Hornby, Williams-Sonoma Cook Books, Helen Fielding, Kyle Smith
Nick Hornby, Woody Allen, Richard Curtis, Ronald Reagan, Walt Disney, Woody Allen....