Snowflake profile picture



About Me


You don't have to paint my world multi-coloured to let me know it's beautiful.



My Interests

Travelling. Above anything I want to see this world I was born into. My only ambition is to fufill life, to see every beauty, icrease others abilities, and do so with my hand in some-one elses, and a smile upon my face.

I'd like to meet:

All I know is that this world is too beautiful to be left unseen, but too large to be conqured alone.
I want someone to join me in the cruisade of purity

'The whole world wants what were on.'


Jack Penate

Jamie T

Regina Spektor

The Maccabees

Bright Eyes

Eliott Smith

Brand New


Kate Nash

Patrick Wolf

Fionn Regan

The Cribs


The Libertines.


These Kids...

I found you in the deepest friendship...
The kind i'll cherish all my life!

My Angel! I love you Chris.
Sunbathing on the beach + 50 cent!
You are one wicken Naan! ha My gal - She iz mega wicked man. You fucking what pal?
haha, I love you babe. You've always made me laugh, and you wont always know it,
But i'll love you forever. You fucking geordie!
'coke' haha...even when you're not here, i can amuse myself! Sophums is the sex. Ashleighmagale is my Princess
We wear our pants outside our trousers!

Luce is my smile!

My urban Angel

And beacuse your my bezzie...
and an ultimate


you get two! I love you Twatty! ♥