Well im not even goin 2 lie i like 2 fight it just in me i guess it cause were i come from but im workin on it cause im gettin 2 old 4 that but,I also like goin 2 church,church is very important 2 me GOD is a big issue in my life b/c without him i would be nothin.i like hangin with my friends and enjoyin life.
The only person that I would like 2 meet is GOD.
I like listenin 2 lots of different kinds of music but of coures my ..1 type is R&B you have different types of R&B thats why.I also listen 2 GOSPLE,SOUL,JAZZ,RAP,and BLUES
Their are alot of movies that i watch but i like scary movies that are funny i know that thats different but thats what i am different.I like THE WOOD,SET IT OFF,ALL OF THE MADEAS,FAT GURLS,THE BONE COLLECTER,TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME, I also like 2 enjoy BLACK HISTORY MOVIES LIKE ROOTS.
When im home chillin i'll go 4 LAW@ORDER,BET,CARTOONS,AND LIFETIME..
I like 2 read BLACK HISTORY,MADEAS new book,I dont read it much but every now and then i'll pick up the Bible.
My #1 Hero is GOD b/c without him i would not have my mother she is the light of my life,And my best friend she teaches me right from wrong and dose not hold back from nothin she has 2 say.