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About Me

Oh, cool, is this the bit where I get to be all poseur and moody? I'm sorry, but this is the damn reason I got a myspace. You can't do all this and then be, y'know, a normal person.

Right, so, first thing, pretentious elitism. Always a good way to start. Shame I'm really quite a nice guy at heart. Could someone volunteer for me to sneer down at? I'd be hella guilty otherwise. C'mon, do a man a favour.

But then you've always got the classic ironic counter-culture thing going on, too. Yeah, 'coz nobody's exactly like me. Honest, guv.

Seriously, I'm Mike and I really am not good at being a myspace snob. Are there anonymous meetings you can go to for this kind of problem?..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm sorry, but this really is a terrible question. I'm gonna hafta go all Complaint To Management and stuff about it. If you're gonna make one mandatory question, then come on, something that's really telling. I totally don't want to know who the world wants to meet.

Okay, bitching over. I'll try and answer it now, don't panic just yet.

Right, so I gave it some thought and it really is very vague. Out of anyone, ever? I bet having tea with Genghis Khan would be hella cool but he's a little bit deceased so he might not be the best conversationalist in the world. Are we letting in time travel of some kind? 800 years is a bit much. Right, let's disregard that.

So, anyone possible. Anyone alive? I'm not one to really go for the whole celebrity thing and anyone who really matters would go way over my head. I mean, can you imnagine trying to keep up in conversation with Steven Hawking? He'd all be like making these genius jokes and you'd be all "huh sorry wait what?" You'd stand no chance! It'd be a nightmare! I mean, you don't wanna be branded a Bad Conversationalist by Steven Hawking. That's like the worst kind of social death.

So, it looks like I'm falling back onto what I always answer on these questions.

You seem quite cool, I'll meet you. Y'arite, there? Good. Nice to meet you.


I have a music blog! It's pretty great. You can check it out here! I hear all the cool kids are reading it.

That lil dude is saying what I was listening to on last.fm last week, so I guess he knows what my music tastes are.

I'd love to be an indie snob, but I don't know enough bands that 5 people in the world have listened to (those 5 being the band members). I can make a good hypocrit if I say I like all kinds of music, though. Honest, guv.

Seriously, I love all music, I just listen to this stuff more. Dunno why, I guess it's either off the wall or catchy, and who am I to argue against that?

Okay, okay, for people who like lists, here's my top 10:

10. Castaways And Cutouts - The Decemberists
9. No Cities Left - The Dears
8. Feels - Animal Collective
7. This Is A Long Drive - Modest Mouse
6. Black Sheep Boy - Okkervil River
5. Daydream Nation - Sonic Youth
4. This Is Hardcore - Pulp
3. Agaetis Byrjun - Sigur Rós
2. In The Aeroplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
1. OK Computer - Radiohead


Movies are hella disapointing. I don't think I've ever been to see a film actually at the big screen that I've walked out thinking "well, that was quite a good film" in a long time. Like every time I walk out thinking "hang on, here, how'd that happen if blah happened oh dear that really wasn't thought through".
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've either got crazy high standards for films or I just subconsciously hate the cinema, since I've liked plenty of films I got out on DVD.
As for films I actually like... well let's see. Shaun Of The Dead is always a good place to start. It's not exactly a oscar winner but it's always fun to watch. Except when a loada people die, since I've found that in general that's not the most fun thing in the world. If it was, then rotton.com would be the most visited site on the net, right?
On the more cerebral side, there's always Memento and Vanilla Sky. They're pretty thoughtful. In the former you only know the ending and none of the context, which screws with your expectations, and in the latter the two different "paths" that you follow of the same things happeneing to the same guy, only one of which is true and the other never happened. Again, it's pretty confusing but I love things that're like that.


Rachna said I talk too much on this section. So, for her and everyone else's benefit, I'll try and condense this one down to its simplest terms.

I like TV, except when I don't.



Man, I just got hacked by pastafarians? I didn't even know there were pastafarian extremists about? I'm actually quite pleased about it! I'm a victim of an oppressive religion, net-based or otherwise! When can I claim underdog? Can someone tell me when I can claim underdog?

Anyway, I originally had a really long, much-complained-about-by-people-who-like-lists piece here, but it got taken away by The Man. You can all rest assured I don't recommend them Flying Spaghetti Monster Gospels to no one, though. They're a terrible read, they are.


Wow, I actually don't have any heroes. I should really have these things sorted out, huh? I mean seriously, if you look at all these people the average person puts down, they've all got hella flaws! Churchill was a drunk and a crazy racist. Einstein invented the A-bomb. Jesus is tragically probably phony and even if he did exist he had a bit of a temper on him, he did. Genghis Khan killed a loada people. I'm pretty sure nobody's ever in history lived a perfectly flawless life. Actually, I lie. Nobody's lived a perfectly flawless life and achieved anything. I mean, you've gotta have something wrong with you so you have something to strive for.

Anyway, now we've worked out that everyone, especially influential people, are inherantly flawed, I guess there's no point in making heroes of them. They're only human after all.

Besides, Harri had the right idea all along. Her dog is pretty heroic.

My Blog

In Which Mike Enjoys A Morning With Friends

The day started, shockingly, on Thursday and annoyingly, at 9AM. Now, I've been on my holidays for 5 weeks. 9AM is literally an hour I have not seen in months. In fact, the AMs are a time I've left fa...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 06:18:00 PST

In which Mike finds out what happens when you take songs REALLY literally.

So the other day I was listening to a bit of music, when I found this old dusty collection of Bloc Party B-sides I downloaded months ago and listened to once before giving up because seriously, you're...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 03:48:00 PST

In which Mike discovers Religion.

Have you guys noticed all those new "Join Islam!" adverts on myspace? They're everywhere nowadays! I mean at the start it was the occasional hint that you should maybe think about your position vis a...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 08:17:00 PST

Guys guys I'm a music blogger now!

www.thisplaneisdefinatelycrashing.blogspot.com Me and Martyn've made a blog where we can rant about our music to the world and give away free links so you can listen to 'em! Check us out! =)...
Posted by Mike on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:18:00 PST

This is the kind of conversation I have all the time.

Martyn. This is the sound of someone losing the plot... says (20:29): celebrity big brother just started Martyn. This is the sound of someone losing the plot... says (20:29): this guy is freaky Mi.. A...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 01:03:00 PST

Why I'm Really Not Feeling Christmassy At All This Year.

I have a guilty secret. It's 2 days until the big day and theres not a festive bone in my body. This, like, never happens to me! I'm always the first one ready with the cards and presents, a han...
Posted by Mike on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 01:34:00 PST

Results Day!

I woke up on the 24th to the sound of 20 men screaming a half-tuneful noise for a few seconds longer than I would have liked. I would have liked them not to have done it at all becuase it was only 7 i...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 05:21:00 PST

Egypt : Conclusion!

DAY 8: August 7th onwards In which we tie up loose ends.   We never did see Ali again, although we did do our best to hide when we hailed a Taxi just in case.     When I came to break...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:47:00 PST

Egypt : Day 7!

Day 7: Sunday, 6th August                                           ...It...
Posted by Mike on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 03:16:00 PST

Egypt : Day 6!

DAY 6: Saturday, August 5th   Nothing happened.   Told ya so....
Posted by Mike on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 06:35:00 PST