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If you are not having fun, what's the point?

About Me

I am both an extravert and an intravert depending on the situation and how many other extraverts are around me. I am a huge listener and think of myself as a quiet person, but many would argue that I can be loud and annoying at times. I love playing sports but can't stand watching them. Future goals I have are to get into Television and Film doing sitcoms and soap operas. I just fulfilled one of my dreams to do stuntwork playing Robin in a "Batman Stunt Show."
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Myspace Contact Tables What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
Heart of Glass
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You are The Flash The Flash 100% Supergirl 85% Robin 75% Iron Man 75% Green Lantern 70% Hulk 60% Catwoman 60% Superman 55% Wonder Woman 55% Spider-Man 40% Batman 30% Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
What Makes You.. by SheBangs12
Your name?
Your gender?
What makes you sexy? Your lips
What makes you pretty? Your eyes
What makes you loveable? How amazing you are
What makes you fun? Your sense of humor
What makes you irresistable? Your kiss
What makes you cute? Your personality
Quiz created with MemeGen !A friend posted the following bulletin and I found it to be very true as I am an Aquarius...Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) --MY favorite sluts are Aquarius. Why? Because if you don't expect anything in return, you won't be disappointed. Sounds easy, huh? They will get under your skin though, so beware. It's easy to be hurt by an Aquarius because they don't want you to know what they are thinking. If they are silent but you are in the room with them...chances are they are in heavy thought. But don't worry, chances are they are thinking about you...and fifteen other things. Water bearers look at sex like it is a form of recess. They can turn you on by simply walking in the room. They are the Rain Man of the Zodiac. They give too much of themselves to others that don't give a shit...then get shy to those that care about them. Go figure. They like kinky. They are easy going. To them, it's a learning experience. Male Aquarians like to tease and live life in a fantasy world. Female Aquarians can't masturbate enough...Males never get the chance to masturbate because everybody wants a piece of them. They like their ankles nibbled. They love back massages. Their ultimate adventure is the "But we might get caught" game. They will fuck wherever they run the risk of being seen or found by another lover. Don't expect faithfulness from these's just not in their DNA. They are open minded to the point that anything shiny will derail their train of thought. Fucking while standing or leaning is a plus here. Fuck with their mind and they will follow you anywhere. They enjoy being fucked in groups of three. Think being Jack Nicholson in bed with the three Witches of Eastwick? This is a Aquarian dream. They need you to make the first move. Not to be dominated. But to bring them back to earth now and again for a little physical funtime. They get lost in the clouds a lot. Don't derail from your personal pleasure course, however, otherwise you will be just talking to them all night. which can be stimulating just as well too. Beware! They are the flirts and teases from HELL! Never take one on a trip to a Home Depot when you are both horny. This can lead to nasty things. What Type of Alcoholic Beverage Are You?
You're a Harp!
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You scored as IV - The Emperor. The Emperor represents power. There is nothing subtle about this Tarot card. The Empress has power through love.The Emperor has power through power. He is in control, he is forceful and ambitious. Nothing will stop him. He is a natural leader, having either been born to the role or having disposed of all those who stood in his way. If well aspected in a Tarot spread this card can indicate success. It represents obstacles overcome, goals reached and ambition fulfilled. If badly aspected it can indicate either weakness or an abuse of power.

IV - The Emperor


II - The High Priestess


XIX: The Sun


XIII: Death


X - Wheel of Fortune


XVI: The Tower


XI: Justice


0 - The Fool


I - Magician


VIII - Strength


VI: The Lovers


III - The Empress


XV: The Devil

Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
created with

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

My Interests

Movies, Theatre, Dancing, Playing Sports (Volleyball, Tennis, Baseball, Football), Clubbing, Travel
How to make a Todd
1 part pride
1 part crazyiness
3 parts beauty
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet people from all over the world. I am generally more insync with extraverts. I love to hang out and party with athletic people because they help keep me in shape. Being witty is a definite plus. Extreme movie and theatre buffs are cool. Did I mention someone who likes to work out? It does happen to be one of my favorite past times.How about all the people I don't want to meet - that sounds easier right now.If any of the following apply to you, it would probably be a waste of your time to send a friend request.I do not want to meet you if:1 You are a trashy girl with some sort of obsession with the Playboy bunny or have the bunny symbol everywhere on your page. I've only had bad luck with trashy bunny girls.2 You have stupid glittery blinky marijuana leaves on your page. That's ghetto, I don't like it.3 (and while I'm on the subject) your pictures feature you blowing billowing white smoke everywhere. That just reminds me of the slackers in high school who would ditch class and go smoke out in their cars. Most of them are now burnouts whose careers challenge them to ask customers if they want to biggie size their orders (please pull up to the second window...) NOT appealing at all. Save the smoke effects for a haunted house or something.4 All you do is post whore train bulletins all day. Not that I'm totally against it, I just don't want 800 carbon copy bulletins every couple hours.5 I go to your view more pics section and every caption says something like, "this one is terrible" or "God I look fat" or "I am sooooo ugly." A) Be confident in the way you look. B) If the pictures are really that ugly, don't fucking post them. C) If you're clearly gorgeous and caption all your pictures as "fat" and "ugly" it's a clear cry for compliments and you won't get them from me.6 You don't have any pictures posted. It's 2007, if you don't have a digital camera, webcam, photo scanner, or probably have a friend who does. Take some damn pictures.7 You only have pics of celebrities posted. It's MySpace, not KeanuSpace, not AngelinaSpace. Posting pictures of celebrities and none of yourself is usually a dead giveaway of two things...neither of which i'll mention here.8 Your profile is set to private because you changed your age to 14. If I can't access your profile, how am I gonna read about you? If I can't read about you, how would I know if I want to be your friend? If your profile is private and you wanna be friends, your best bet is to email me with something better than "hey what up?" and tell me a little about yourself.9 You really are 14. I'm not a child molester. And I don't need friends that young. It's weird.10 You want me to do some porn or one of your nasty fetish videos. I don't care if you think i've "got the right stuff" or, "the perfect face" or, "the attitude you're looking for." I don't solicit myself, and I don't make movies to entertain pedophile nymphos.11 eVeRyThiNg In YoUr pROfiLe Is tYpED LikE ThIs. iT’s LiKe A fUckInG CodE aNd I DoN’t hAvE TimE tO BreAK CoDes. PeOplE TyPed LikE thIs In 1992…MoVe On.12 Your profile is filled with words like, “lyke” “hawt” “gawd” “playah” “gurl” “boi” “sexxi.” For you, I suggest if you don't have an open mind. I am really not interested in meeting closed minded or ignorant people.


I love soundtrax to Movies and Musicals. Elton Johns musical AIDA is my favorite. Madonna, Britney Spears, Michelle Branch, Avril Lavigne, NSYNC, Enya, and the list goes on


Too many to name them all but I love movies from all genres. A few: Phenomenon, XMEN, Coyote Ugly, Trainspotting, The Neverending Story, The Star Wars Trilogy, 9 to 5, Snatch, Matrix, Fifth Element, Face Off, Moulin Rouge, Go, Road Trip, Alice in WonderlandMusic Code | Beach Rentals | Myspace Layouts
You Are Wolverine
Small but fierce, you're a great fighter.
Watch out! You are often you're own greatest enemy.

Powers: Adamantium claws, keen senses, the ability to heal quickly Which of the X-Men Are You?


Strangers With Candy, Seinfeld, Will and Grace, Friends, Greys Anatomy, Desperate Housewives Which Will & Grace character are you?
Nice one! You're "Just Jack!" As gay as christmas... and boy does it show! (let's have more of the boys, by the way). You may be egotistic and self-centred but people can't help loving you anyway... although they'll never love you as much as you love yourself!
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Wicked and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card,


My parents.