Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
The Boyfriend
Shopping-no brainer! lol
Marmite-Just thought i'd drop that one in there!
Girly Mags
Being a Cheeseball
Random conversations with random people
Theme parks
there is more but i can't be bothered to write it! lol
Steve Jones off T4 cos he creases me, Rove Macmanus from Rove Live in Oz, Peter Kay, Terry Wogan, john cleese, bruce forsyth, deidre from corrie-"oooh ken!"...LOADS of people, far too many to list!
House, Speed Garage, Drum n Bass, rnb, but then i love indie rock n roll too!
Monty Python, Up Pompeii, Loaded Weapon, Police Academy, Airplane, all the old spoof films, romantic comedies, love Adam Sandler, Hugh Grant, Will Smith and Ben Stiller movies full stop. The notebook,armageddon and The Holiday are my favourite Lord Of The Rings and stuff like some action films but it depends how gory it is! I'm a complete wuss when it comes to violent stuff and i will NOT watch a horror movie at all..ever! lol
Hollyoaks...erm......not much else really i don't watch much TV! like the simpsons/family guy and scrubs though...
COSMOPOLITAN AND MORE MAGAZINE-NEED I SAY MORE! LOL...Loved angels and demons by dan brown and the da vinci code, i have quite few marian keyes and jane green books too-total chick lit, LOVE IT!
Mom and Dad!
the guy on trigger happy tv who crossed the road in a snail suit,LEG-END!
Diedre from Corrie-ooh...Ken!
Terry Wogan-The man is soooo funny-was in stitches watchin Eurovision listening to him takin the P out of all the other countries!