Feeling So Lonely, Im Just Missing My Baby... profile picture

Feeling So Lonely, Im Just Missing My Baby...

Estoy en alguna marca la nueva mierda este año, el ai de nigger que no va a saber qué esperar. ¡P

About Me

Welcome to my page! My name is Asia A.K.A Diamond, I’ma get straight to the point if you are a negative person plz keep it moving cuz you ain’t going to get nothing here. I have no time for the drama or the bullshit. I’m at the end of my Killa Season and now I’m moving on into my BBAALLIINN Season. I’m too grown for all that lil’ kid shit role that people be playing, nigga I’m a mother, a full-time student, and I work fulltime so you tell me what type of bull shit I have time for. You can’t cuz like I said I’ma bout to be BBAALLIINN so if you don’t wanna get ran ova then I suggest you move. There are a lot of people out there who think they know Asia, but they don’t only my truest know me! I’m going places in my life that are going to make me unstoppable and I have no time for nobody who wants to be doing the same dumb shit everyday. Step yo game up, get it together… My mother always told me to chill with people who want the type of things I want, people who are trying to do something positive with their lives. I can’t say I know too many people on my level doing what I’m doing right now in my circumstances. If you can’t handle the rain then go inside, the game is nothing without pain. So if you gonna step on my court you best be ready to ball. Feel me!Now that you have made it this far without turning around I’ma let you in on some things about me. You ready? Aight, I’ma light skinned, browned eyed, shoulder length hair, down to earth, laid back, beautiful, mixed, reppin Queens New York to the fullest B.I.T.C.H. I say B.I.T.C.H because I’m Beautiful, Intelligent, Thick, Complete, and Honest type of female. Carrying on now… I have a now one-year-old daughter named Kyra, she’s my world. Everything I do is for me but mostly for her, bcuz she gives me the power to get up every morning and go to work for 10 hours a day and go to school so one day I can have people working for me…My hubby name is Carmichael a.k.a Rock we have been together for soon to be 4 years and many more to come.I call him my hubby bcuz we been together for so long and at our age it sounds very imature to keep saying boyfriend or girlfriend. I’m planning on marrying him one day; I can actually say that this man is my soul mate. The love we have don’t get any better than this. Yea we do argue and fight a lot but it all comes with the package of being in a relationship. But he’s my soul mate, so I’ll deal with all the lil’ bullshit he throws my way.My personality is out of this world, you would neva believe half of the things coming out of my mouth at times bcuz it’s out of this world… I’m one of a kind, you’ll neva find anotha like me. People say I can be a lil’ intimidating, and I just say “No lil’ ol’ me, intimidating. How!” But from what I was told by some of my relatives and some of the people I associate with, “Notice I didn’t say people I know or friends!” say the way I talk to people make them feel real small. And the way I see it is if I make you feel that way then you need to do some self-exploring, cuz no one should be able to make you feel beneath them. It’s a new year so I hope ya’ll be on ya’ll grind, cuz I’ma be on that 24/7. I have no time to play games or deal with people who still want to trick or treat. Trix are for kids, I’ma grown ass woman doing grown ass shit. Coffee and doughnuts are for grown ups and that’s exactly what I am. So all that she said, he said, they said shit is out! That last time I checked I don’t know any one named she, he, or they, and most def not everybody. You gotta grow up some time and I’m already there, feel me!My real squad is my family, Fukk a friend and a foe. I haven’t seen shit this year that tells me I should keep a friend or w/e you were suppose to have been to me. I’m always in a situation where I’m always left having to do shit all by myself, so guess what! I’ma do exactly that, I have too much going for myself and waiting on someone else to do their part isn’t happening anymore. Every one who associate with me know what I’m doing every day all day, I have a job. So that’s where I spend my everyday and next comes home, where I’m at being a mother to my daughter. I’m not one of those yung mothers who can’t provide for their child. My daughter has everything her lil’ heart can desire and more. I have my priorities set, my responsibilities are number one on my list. My daughter will neva be without. It’s taken me along time to get my mind right and see where I was fukkin up in some categories starting with so-called friends. Friend is a powerful word to me; I’ve been surrounded by people who called their selves my friend for so many years. But when I call them up and really need them, they're no where to be found or they have 21 excuses without 21 reasons. I’m done with that shit. I’m doing me and mine this year this year. I’m always breaking my neck for people who wont do the same for me. So guess what New Year new shit, I’m BBBAAALLLIIINNN!!!I have a lot of talents, I can play a lil’ basketball, tennis, baseball, I write poetry, I can draw, do hair, play handy man, and most important I can cook! I neva was the type to just associate my self with one thing I try to do everything, because it makes you a strong and wiser person. Also if I was to get tired of one of my hobbies, I have another I like that will keep me interested in my work. Make sure you take my quiz; there’s a lot of information in my profile that is in my quiz. Good luck with that!IF YOU UNDERSTAND ME AS A PERSON THEN YOU WILL KNOW WHAT I'M ABOUT ON MY 24/7, I HAVE NO REASON TO LIE TO ANYONE FOR ANY REASON AND IF YOU KNOW ME THEN YOU WILL KNOW THAT AND IF YOU BEEN SAYING YOU KNOW ME AND DON'T AGREE WITH THAT THEN THINK HARD AGAIN CUZ OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T KNOW ME AND I RATHER YOU JUST KEEP IT MOVING! THERE'S PEOPLE EVERYDAY WHO CHOOSE NOT TO FUKK WITH ME AND TELL YOU THE TRUTH IT DON'T HURT ME NONE. CUZ I'M AT THE END OF MY KILLA SEASON AND I'M NOW MOVING IN TO MY BBAALLIINN SEASON AND I DON'T NEED NO ONE HOLDING ME BACK OR TRYING TO SLOW ME DOWN. I RATHER YOU KEEP IT MOVING, THE LAST THING I'M GOING TO WORRY ABOUT IS SOME ONE ELSE'S FEELINGS TOWARDS ME CUZ MINE ARE THE ONLY THAT COUNT. I'M TIRED OF THESE BITCHES WHO CAN'T HANDLE THEIR OWN HEAT AND CHOOSE TO BLOW IT MY WAY. KEEP YO SHIT TO YO SELF, I HAVE MY OWN PROBLEMS AND STRUGGLES I GO THROUGH EVERYDAY. SO BECAUSE I SEE HOW PEOPLE CAN TURN SO QUICKLY, I'MA SAY THIS FOR EVERYONE TO KNOW...I DONT NEED A FRIEND AND I NEVA CRIED OUT FOR ONE. THEY JUST CAME ALONG AND IF PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THIS ENTRY IS FOR THEN YOU NEED TO READ THIS WORD FOR WORD. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO FUKK WITH ME OVA SOME DUMB AS RUMOR THEN FUKK YOU AND KEEP IT MOVING DON'T NEED YA, LIKE BITCHES FRIENDS COME A DIME A DOZEN AND YOU WON’T BE THE LAST. IF I SEE YOU IN THE STREET I WONT LOOK YO WAY AND YOU DON'T NEED TO LOOK MINE CUZ WHAT EVER LOOK ON YO FACE I SEE YOU JUST GONNA GET BACK WORST, FEEL ME. WORD IS BOND.TODAY 11-5-06 THIS MESSAGE IS IN EFFECT, I HAVE NO SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET WAITING TO COME OUT. THEY ARE ALREADY OUT FOR EVERY ONE TO SEE AND ASIA AIN'T SCARED OF NO ONE SO I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE FROM NO ONE. BUT N-E WAYS DO ME AND YO SELF A FAVOR AND DO YOU, CUZ I'M ON THAT 24/7! ANYONE WHO GOT SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME YOU KNOW HOW TO CONTACT ME AND KNOW WHERE I BE.

Get Your Own Voice Player ManageI’m not looking for anybody but if I was, this is what I would want!You want to know what I’m looking for in a man NOT A LIL`A$$ BOY!!!!~You have to be 100% all man ~You don’t have to be the bomb ass dresser but you go to dress presentable... ~Your teeth have to be on point; you can’t have any missing teeth in as your fronts. ~Breath have to be on point, you should only be the one to know what you had for lunch not the one you're kissing. ~If you have hair, then it needs to be on point. ~You don’t have to be a gorgeous, but you can’t look like you shouldn’t exist. ~You have to be understanding ~You have to be patient ~You can't call your self the BOSS of this relationship and be scared of me, it don't work like that. I need a man not another child. ~I'm 100% so what you think you need to be! ~Can't be scared of bugs, because what does that look like! Me running to you so you can save me and you running my way. No That's Out! I don't want no Bitch. That’s why my preference is heterosexual. ~And if we in the moment of pleasuring each other, STOP asking me how does it feel, you'll know if I'm feeling good by my expressions, because if I'm not getting no good vibe then that's obviously telling you...Either... 1.YOU SUCK! 2.I can't feel you yet or maybe you're not my size! 3.You need more training in pleasing me. 4.Maybe you need to try more tricks like "EATING IT!"LOL! 5.Maybe you done talked me to sleep by asking so many DAMN questions!Cuz if you ask me do it feel good or tell me you're about to cum then I'm going to tell you to get off of me and kick rocks my nigga. ~Got to be able to handle the truth, "well you can't handle the truth!"What I’m trying to say is... You just need to be on point!!!Well what ever else you would like to know just hit me up with a note or two. Or if you have instant messenger you can hit me up on there.Aim... wannatastapeach
Create your own Catcha10 Quiz

The things that I don't like in people in general are...~Fake ass bitches who know they can get it...You know who yall are... we ain't going to get into the naming and shit unless you want to take it there, FEEL ME! ~Niggas who try to play like they don't eat pussy, but when you get them in a room alone they got their face all in it like pie...You niggas know who yall are... ~I hate people who make it seem like they are some big balla'z and they broke as shit trying to get you to buy them something off the dollar menu...What you need to do is get a JOB with your broke ass...you may be cute in all but broke and cute don't mix not even a lil', so get it right. ~I hate bitches that smile in your face and be hating behind close doors...You bitches know who yall are...You weak ass bitches... ~I hate bitches that be biting off of other people styles, such as a walk, a talk, and a wardrobe...You bitches is wild...I hate you bitches...You wanna bite? I got something for you to bite BITCH!!! ~Niggas who be playing like they don't have a girl...Come on that shit is out fa'real...Keep it real that lying shit is played out...Best believe if it was me, I’ma keep it real and do what I do because I'm grown...Feel me! ~I hate bitches with big mouths...it's funny but it true...a bitch with a big mouth is irritating as shit...they always got something to scream about... ~I hate girly girls...I might be a female myself but I go hard...I like to wrestle, do a lil' one on one "wink wink", Shit maybe even break a nail from wrecking...it's nothing...but you girly girls...shit one curl goes the wrong way and you bitches are having a fit...come on now get it right...that's too much. ~I hate nigga’s who give you their number and stress you to call them and they have like 21 excuses without 21 reasons...And then when you decide not to call back no more then a nigga want to get all up in his feelings shit, well damn my man next time answer the phone... ~I hate a nigga who make it seems as if they want ryde or die chick on they side and all they want to be is a friend with a benefit...well guess what? Your access has been denied sucka...LMAO! ~I can't stand a liar on some real shit, a liar to me is someone just asking for problems, a liar never really notices how many lies they have to tell just to cover up another one... And some people who are compulsive liars start to actually believe their lies...Keep it real, remember this no one can judge you but GOD... and now me you a damn LIAR...To Hell You Go!!! LMAO! If you can't handle the truth then you not ready for reality, and baby that's the real world out there...you have no other choice but to jump in like you playing double dutch... ~I hate a nigga who takes pictures of the good side of his face and put it on the internet for the world to see but when you meet this nigga in person he's ugly and he got some shit on his face that got some shit on it's face...It's mean to say but it's real...now if I’ am able to work with it than it's a go then...but if not then you already know...I'ma roll, bounce! ~I hate when a nigga breath stinks so damn bad it makes your eyes water. And the thing I hate about that is how can you not taste how hot your breath is...I know that shit taste nasty so guess what it smells nasty too...get it right... ~I hate phone and computer thugs...if you going to scream about it on the phone or on the internet then I expect you to scream about it in the streets...cuz best believe I will with no cut cards...I'm about mines and I back my shit up 100% at all times...There ain't no bitch in my blood... ~I hate people who come at you on some shit like I heard you said, or he said, she said, they said, everybody said…I’m grown boo boo, I haven’t been in high skool since 2004 so I’m very grown up. I got my shit right; I don’t have time for the bullshit. If you can’t come at me on some shit you heard me say or do then don’t come at me at all, cuz you might get yo feelings hurt. Feel me! ~Please don’t talk about what you can’t be about!TO BE CONTINUED....I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

I like to be with my daughter and my boo all day then next my family and the realest niggas out there.Shit my family is all I really got, fuck a friend for real, they all seem to turn salty in the end from what I've experienced so far. But if ya 100% real come and be on my team...I fucks with the realest bitches and niggas on my team and that's the only that's on my team you feel me!!!My sister Sheema is a 100% real ass bitch "I fucks with her."My brother Jevone 100% real ass nigga " that's my lil' nigga, any bitch who's on his shit list knows what's coming. My team don't play no GAMES. 100% real!Jamie my cuzzin, She goes hard for a lil' snow bunny. She white on the outside, but the inside all black. 100% real!Ma'kayla, Kyra, and soon to be here Aniya, straight head bangers to be some youngin's...my squad starts young from the whomb...they gonna take over the game when me and mine decide to sit down...Roy and Raymo my Godfolks, They 100% real througho breds. Don't talk too quick cuz they would whop yo head boy! 100% real!Toy, Black, and Pooh my Godfolks true go hards. the baddest bitches walking besides me and mine. We all fight niggas and bitches too, no cut cards. 100% real!Katie, My Boston Chick...She a snow bunny that goes mad hard...She kool and down to earth and if some shit goes down I know she gonna ride for ya girl ya dig!A.J., Black boy...he a trip but he gets down with the get down ya dig. My boy can sing his ass off and looks a little like a Brian McKnight gone ghetto! Oh yeah and go check his page out...He ain't neva add me as a friend with his slow ass but go his gurl page...Display name Ms.Lady! She in my top friends.Oddie, Killa, Ku, Nuttz "R.I.P", Jasmine, Pumpkin, Shana, Beasley, and many many more but too many to name are 100% real as niggas and bitches. My team only run with the best. Everybody that I forgot you know who you are...Sorry but my hands hurt! But you know who you are, and what it do.Coming to a hood near you....
Name: Diamond
Birthdate: August 15, 1987
Birthplace: Queens,New York
Current Location: Woodbridge
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'0
Weight: don't worry about that, it's looking GOOD!
Piercings: my ears and nose
Tatoos: not yet
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes I have a hubby
Overused Phraze: bitch
Food: Olive Garden
Candy: Gummy worms
Number: 55851089
Color: red, black, and white
Animal: Dog
Drink: Yesssuuuurrrr!
Alcohol Drink: Henni, bacardi, smirnoff, sizzurp, moet, incredible hulks
Bagel: yeah boy that butter or cream cheese on a raisin bagel
Letter: A and b...
Body Part on Opposite sex: lips and dick
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Mcdonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Both
Hot tea or Ice tea: Both
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: both
Kiss or Hug: both
Dog or Cat: both
Rap or Punk: Rap
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: both
Bedtime: 12 am
Most Missed Memory: Middle and high school years
Best phyiscal feature: everything
First Thought Waking Up: brush my teeth
Goal for this year: make it into next year
Best Friends: Jamie, Lenae, Lont'e, My baby father, and my family
Weakness: don't have any
Fears: being alone
Heritage: hhhhmmmm....what's yours
Longest relationship: 4 years
Ever Smoked: YUP DAT DANK!!!!!!
Pot: I wont tell if you wont
Ever been beaten up: Yeah jumped by some weak ass bitches who couldn't take me alone
Ever beaten someone up: All the time
Ever Shoplifted: I don't snitch...
Ever Skinny Dipped: nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yup!
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: grey, blue, and hazel...so damn sexy...
Favorite Hair Color: honey blonde
Short or Long: don't matter
Height: don't matter as long as ur not shorter than me
Style: presentable
Looks or Personality: down to earth with nice sense of humor
Hot or Cute both
Drugs and Alcohol: don't matter as long as it's only grizzle and liqour
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: 6
What country do you want to Visit: Italy
How do you want to Die: in my sleep peacefully
Been to the Mall Lately: Yup
Do you like Thunderstorms: they okay...great when having sex
Get along with your Parents: yeah with my mother
Health Freak: yeah
Do you think your Attractive: You damn Skippy
Believe in Yourself: yeah
Want to go to College: currently in college
Do you Smoke: yeah
Do you Drink: yeah
Shower Daily: yeah, not stinkiness over here
Been in Love: yup
Do you Sing: nope
Want to get Married: yup
Do you want Children: yeah, I have one already
Have your future kids names planned out: some what
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: old news
Hate anyone: SURE DO!


I'd like to meet:

A Adventurous
S Serious
I Ideal
A Ambivalent
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.comI would only want to meet someone who would benefit me as well as themselves and make my time worth while, feel me! I can't really say that there's no one at all that I wouldn't like to meet, yeah maybe a few like for example Oprah a strong black woman. I can't say too many others. Lyfe Jennings he's a strong well focuse black man.$piv Dolla, The new voice to the whole game.He is a young black man who is trying to make it to the top. Go to his page and please support. My number one jam by him is "I'm Good". Go to his page and listen and keep on listening! Once again... Go And Support!!!!


I like all music


href="http://graphics.freeweblayouts.net" target="_blank" well I'm into adventure, dramatic, Romantic, Comedies, And action movies. mostly all movies


.. width="425" height="350" .. WildNOut, that 70's show, CSI, House, ER, Maury, and there's lots more.
| View


Name: Diamond
Birthday: August 15, 1987
Birthplace: Queens, New York
Current Location: Hoodbridge and Dub T
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'0
Right Handed or Left Handed: both
Your Heritage: Black, pueto rican, caucasian, and trini
The Shoes You Wore Today: My pink, white, and gray 2k5's
Your Weakness: I have none
Your Fears: Not making it out here for my baby
Your Perfect Pizza: Sausage and alot of cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to make it into next year
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Bitch
Thoughts First Waking Up: brush my teeth
Your Best Physical Feature: everything
Your Bedtime: 12 am, have to work in the morning!
Your Most Missed Memory: midde school and high school years, I had fun!
Pepsi or Coke: coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: Mcdonalds
Single or Group Dates: being on yo lonely is great but groups dates if fun!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: they both are aight...
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: both
Do you Swear: All the time.
Do you Sing: nope but I try.
Do you Shower Daily: hell yeah...
Have you Been in Love: yeah...
Do you want to go to College: I'm currently in college!
Do you want to get Married: yeah...
Do you belive in yourself: to the fullest!
Do you get Motion Sickness: nope...go ahead and rock da boat!
Do you think you are Attractive: YYYEEEESSSSUUUURRRRR!!!!!
Are you a Health Freak: yup!
Do you get along with your Parents: my mom.
Do you like Thunderstorms: yeah...
Do you play an Instrument: use to...the violin!
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: YYYEEEESSSSUUUUURRRR!!!!!
In the past month have you Smoked: Yeah like 2 days ago!
In the past month have you been on Drugs: hhhmmmmm....what do you think!
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yeah! they both sucked!
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yeah, like last week!
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nope!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nope...don't do raw foods...it has to be dead!
In the past month have you been on Stage: nope!
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nope!
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: don't need to, I'ma certified bread winner!
Ever been Drunk: yup!
Ever been called a Tease: yup!
Ever been Beaten up: yeah by some bitches who couldn't take me alone
Ever Shoplifted: yeah back in the day.
How do you want to Die: in my sleep!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I wanna be everything, I have no limits!
What country would you most like to Visit: Italy
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: blue, hazel, gray, green...
Favourite Hair Color: honey blonde
Short or Long Hair: don't matter
Height: don't matter as long as ur not shorter than me
Weight: presentable
Best Clothing Style: there are alot...I can't just name one!
Number of Drugs I have taken: 3
Number of CDs I own: not enough
Number of Piercings: 3
Number of Tattoos: none yet!
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 6
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!I love this book called Black, it's very interesting and shows you what mostly goes on in the life of young black people growing up in society.I'm a open book would you like to come and turn my page?


D.I.V.A is my idol and my hero because they'reDetemined Intelligent Vigorous and AttractiveI'm all of the above and more.I have alot of potential that I've proven to all and I'm still rising to the top despite all the challenges I take on in my everyday life. It's hard being young with so many responsibilities, but you do what you got to do and that's what makes me determined.I go to college on-line to earn my associates degree in business management. I finish school when I was 17 and I had my daughter after I turned 18. I drew out my plan and all my strategies so I can accomplish the world if I wanted to, so I can be able to take care of myself as well as my daughter. That's what makes me intelligent.Everyday I struggle with the answers to life and why that things are the way the are. My boyfriend "baby father", has been in jail for damn near 2 years. I've been raising our daughter all alone without him by my side. He was gone 2 weeks before I founf out I was pregnant, it was a planned pregnancy but it wasn't planned to be like this. My family and friends have been dieing from left to right, and I've been having to move from one home to another dragging along my daughter who is too young to understand. I struggle every day trying to make it into the next but the I seem to always make it.That's what makes me Vigorous.I always get the best of the best and knock out anything thing in my way. I dress to impress "to impress me of course!" I have my hair on point at all times. I'm short, with shoulder length hair with brown eyes that stops all the guys, and a body that makes all the niggaz want to cry. I carry myself as a vigorous,couragious,determined,intelligent, outstanding, perfect sense of humor B*tch and that's what makes me Attractive.How many way's can you spell out and explain the D.I.V.A in you?