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' what do you know about PETE ROCK?'

About Me

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My Interests

I like to spit(Rap)and Beatbox.On my spare time i listen to beats and dance.I also like making my friends laugh even when it comes to doing something that im really not down for doing and not talking about bad stuff.

I'd like to meet:

The people who prank call me with unknown numbers.Also, i want to meet Jesus the Chist in all his glory and light.Then i would like to meet Moses.I know it sounds bugged-out but its true yo. ----------------------------------------------------------- Joseph "beat box" nouvelle star 2007 (énorme!!!!)

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I like Hip-hop because thats what kind of music i was raised around but i like Jazz and classical to. ----------------------------------------------------------- Get You Open

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Corey Red "Crashin Da Party" New Album is Out!
Corey Red "Crashin Da Party" New Album is Out!


The Cronicals of Narnia is the illist movie on the planet,YOU DIG! ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Urban D. "American Dream" Music Video

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I dont have a favorite show but i like watching comedy


The Bible then Fahrenheit 451.


My hero's are my godparents because when i was going through some of the worst times in my life they were always there for me,plus my pastors at Crossovr