iarraid profile picture


You don't know me, You don't wear my chains

About Me

....workin on it.....How very very cool....quite lovely......
Which British Band Are You?

Fear is useless, what is needed is trust

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


~ BONO ~ Socrates ~ JPII ~ Someone willing to speak the TRUTH ~ MLK ~ Ma T ~ Jack ~ my father as a child ~ Doubting Thomas ~


Let's start with........U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 and i could go on forever like that but.....there's soooooo much more......so right now i must pay homage to local music.... The Working Title has been screaming what's in my soul for years......


has broken me and everyone should here them rock....and then there are the spirits of IRWIN, quench, The Falls Lost and Kapone lingering in the depths as they've all fallen.....when you go beyond my LOCALs obcession you're find MuteMath on the tip of my lips, Celebrity, Paulson, 7M3, 10 years, 36crazyfists....all the others are coming soon......


....trying to stay away from the boob tube....so bad for me.....but i do miss my cartoons.....oh my do i want some HOUSE right now....and the LOST marathon has ignited my guilt-ridden heart......or some Family Guy when i can swallow it....


...i'm hooked on collecting with a LONG list of things left to read - Divine Comedy; 4 Loves and ScrewTape Letters are a must from C.S. Lewis; working on LOTR right now - sorta.....Singing to the Dead; E.A. Poe babe - he is fuckin' bad ass! Got some King on the shelves.....some political shit that i wanna re-read - Marx is waiting for me (in that TRUE heart of socialism vs. communism - ladies and gents they ARE different!!!); Em Dickinson is pretty sweet....she was definitely messed up in da head! i know there's lots more....


...someone who stands up for what they think and believe.....looking for an honest person, even if they're brutal......complaciance kills.......backing down in this world is like losing your only foothold in this life.....

My Blog


...spiraling...and the bottom's nowhere in sight...the lines of all these sins are showing - nauseaed anymore, looking for another inspiration not another mistake...hiding from the puzzles, layer...
Posted by iarraid on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 07:16:00 PST

oh my muse....

...too sick to have courage - you're still fuckin' weak...all the proverbs cloaking hypocrisy....let da blood seive out....your soul's blistered from duplicity....provoked and bitter... .....a goddess...
Posted by iarraid on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 10:27:00 PST

...zofran please...

....and i've hurt with every word cuz you don't mean a fuckin' thing.... ....quit this bullshit - disgusted with you....still waiting... ....and you've proven why i still know how to hate - hate keep...
Posted by iarraid on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 06:30:00 PST


i see it reD and beautiful - no other aliKe... and in fear and confidence i kept silenT.... hE's breathing and I'M sQueeZing... sTiffeR in the DusK...and wE fall.... ShaMe is shaDing her heArt......
Posted by iarraid on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 05:44:00 PST

...haiLing AwaY...

...banners of false Ideals... ...reeking of self-doubt and loathing... ...paid to feed the disease and forge the ignorance... ...waiting for hope to die - not saving anything... ...nothing's worth wha...
Posted by iarraid on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:00:00 PST

Hated Son

Like my Son - secret Wish Parent's wrong chance for love Teaching me that Use is the Only Use Send those coked empty Sylables The Lie that will Turn Away Love To Kill that Heart in Selfishness Self-Ab...
Posted by iarraid on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 05:58:00 PST


...he's sitting there alone...watching the laughter.....those listless eyes  getting blury as he looks upon all that he was responsible for.....Can't help but feel proud and sad as i wonder if i'...
Posted by iarraid on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:10:00 PST


....so much fear - Life's just started  @ 24 and i'm here to deliver... ...a tube, the drugs, some words, a false friend... ...heard your last words - am i doing better? ...just keeping on lying ...
Posted by iarraid on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 06:08:00 PST

World on Fire

The worlds on fire its more then I can handleIll tap into the water try and bring my shareTry to bring more, more then I can handle Bring it to the table Bring what I am ableHearts are worn in these d...
Posted by iarraid on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 06:08:00 PST


....i feel as though my face is being drug across the cement......the effort i put forth in those things which i care about is disgusting - it's a point of obcession and i know that this isn't health...
Posted by iarraid on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 05:33:00 PST