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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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My Interests

Reading, cooking (and eating of course ;), Japanese language and culture, boat and aeroplane models and videogames.
I used to play basketball, street hockey, and I even gave karate and fencing a try, but not anymore...

I enjoy Roleplaying and nearly every week I meet with friend to play. I's really just an excuse to meet though, because we usually end up doing very little actual playing!

I have a sort of interest in languages, but often I'm too lazy to sit down and learn them. So far I've collected Italian and English (both mothertoungue), French, Spanish and I'm learning Japanese.

I'd like to meet:

Mmmm... I'm learning Japanese at the moment, so I suppose anyone who can help me practice.I'm also sorely in need to practice my French and Spanish...In truth there's no one I don't want to meet!


A bit of everything really... except most heavy metal and modern disco and techno music.
I'm a lot into j-pop at the moment.


Maybe I should say that my favourite movie is "Wasabi" since I must have seen it about ten times, but it really depends on the mood of the moment. In any case I find generally difficult not to like a film. Lately I've seen the Transformers Movie... OK, there's lots of SFX, lots of explosions and so on, but I liked it a lot. If you look past all the computer graphics and big noises you'll see a quite decent action movie.


I hardly watch television anymore, I don't have time! Not that there's much I care to watch: Italian TV is crap!


I just LOVE Terry Pratchett's discworld. I read them over and over again, but then again I do read a lot and I do re-read books that I like plenty of times.
In any case some authors I really like, off the top of my head are: Terry Pratchett, Isaac Asimov, Clive Cussler, Dan Simmons, Frank Herbert, Gerald Durrell, James Herriott.