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About Me

Yes I wrote them all ok so now you can read just some of them ok.Tell me what you think about them if you wish.That I will leave up to you. "My Poems" (Rose Vs Woman) What is in a rose that isn't in a women a rose is beauitful but so is a women a rose's scent is breathe taking but yet again so is a women's a women can be mean but so can a rose if u pick it out by its thorns for the lord has blessed use with them both so its only natural for a man to give a thing of beauty to a woman that reprezents beauty to the man (Queen of Pain) The Queen of Pain is the name that I go by to the mortals I come form the depths of hell for all the damn come to me I am there new Queen for I give them everlasting pain they have no choice in the matter for the pain that I give them gives me pure rush of happiness so I hurry to hear the screams of the next sorry ass soul that has to come with in my land (In Her Eyes) with the fire in her eyes that could kill any normal man but only the man that can bring her peace has never been found she looks into the world but she can find nothing that appeals to her likeing but she hopes to find the man one day for its the fire thats inside of her that makes her drive on for if u cross her u will burn in the depths of hells fire so for now she just waits for the man the has the fire in his eyes that can match her own the question is do u have the fire? (Angle of the Forest) the forest is my home and in my home I have found peace which was short lived the humans have come and tore down tree by tree they have even taken my pets why must these humans come and hurt me so I've done nothing to them so I came to this one human her name is Suzana to tell her give these humans a message for me I just wana live let me be in peace once more (Love of Pain) Look into my eyes can you not see the pain, the love, the desperation,the pure need to have someone to love me and only me so can you look into my eyes and tell me such lies just to get close to me and make me think thats its true love when you know that you are just playing with my heart but there is one thing you forgot the eyes never lie I can now see what games you've been playing so look into my eyes and tell me that you love me and no one else tell me that you will be there for me when you know that you will not (Only For My Love) I take away the pain for the one I love you see I dont need this pain in my life I've lived my life in fear but now thats gone I am not afriad anymore but what it is that I am afraid of is what the one I love thinks of me and only that which I can see I take the pain for the one I love you dont see the pain in my heart for its there deep within my heart hiden,traped for no one to ever see but the one I love has broken my traps and found what I have hiden my whole life thats why I take the pain for the one I love (Death and Love) the fire that has taken me from this wolrd that you live has taken me to a better place for you see death is just the frist step after that step you will find me again so for now I just wait for you my love not with pain, not with shame but in the light that is in you "its in your eyes,its even in your smile" from the moment that I died my escents went in to you so everytime you think of me for that breaf moment Im back on Earth with you my love

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My Interests

Which of the Four Winds are you? (Descriptive Results with pics)
You're like the West Wind: You're the athletic, tomboyish one, and the general clown of the group. Unlike North and South Winds, you are no specific extreme of anti-social or party girl. That's the main reason you get along so well with the other three Winds. Because of that, you have quite a few friends on every part of the "social pyramid". You're generally the athlete and/or artist, and that makes you stand apart from the others. West Winds usually have a good sense of humor as well. You probably grew up all right, maybe with a few hardships; it doesn't bother you, though, you're happy just the same. You get along with: North Wind, East Wind and South WindYou can't stand: NoneYou get along with everyone most of the time; you get along with the social South Winds just fine, you can sometimes befriend shy, intelligent East Winds with your charming humor, and if you're REALLY good, you may have wormed your way into the heart of a North Wind who enjoys your company. Except for any North Winds who find you annoying or East Winds who think your loud personality is obnoxious or intimidating, there really aren't a lot of people you can't get along with. As a West Wind, you're probably labeled as a Jock or Artist, and you're good at it. You're the first picked in sports or asked to help draw/paint something, and your senses of teamwork and sportsmanship is excellent, something North Winds find somewhat admirable if you manage to get close to them. When it comes to school, you're one of the top students in your Phys. Ed class, and you're probably okay in English as well. You might even speak another language or two. The other classes like Science, Math and History are too logical for your happy-go-lucky mind. My only advise to you is to try not to be a show-off. Nobody likes them, and it will only make you that much more of an outcast.
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Lust:What it is: Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.Why you do it: Oh, please.Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be smothered in fire and brimstone. Not kisses. Associated symbols & suchlike: Lust is linked with the cow and the color blue.
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Ur Fairy is a helpful Nature Fairy. U 2 will everyone who needs u.
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You Are 92% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Amy Lee
You Are Wolverine
Small but fierce, you're a great fighter.
Watch out! You are often you're own greatest enemy.

Powers: Adamantium claws, keen senses, the ability to heal quickly Which of the X-Men Are You?
You're 80% Irish
Congratulations, you're a shining example of an Irish lass (or lad).
There's hardly anyone more Irish than you! How Irish Are You?


Anything that is metal,rockGot The Fucken table From STTM


all HORROR for thats what I was named after JASON FROM FRIDAY 13


Smallvill,Stargate SG1,DBZ,DBGT




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