Intrests? Well lets see here, I enjoy reading (what can I say? hence the job at the bookstore) music, both listening and playing, and making fun of stupid people. I enjoy writing, nothing in particular just whatever I am feeling at the time and need to get rid of. I like to help people, no matter the cost to myself, because the greatest reward is knowing that I made a difference no matter how small. I am currently working on learning to help myself more, as it is a habit of mine to let myself go and try to
I would like to meet friends and intresting people to talk to and get to know more people around the area and hear new points of view on life in general and all that happy stuff. People fascinate me, everything about them. Their brilliance, their stupidity, their essence. I want to meet people who will make me think and qeustion my own beliefs. I do NOT have patience with stupid people who pretend to be smart or know more than they do. I like people who let me know where I stand and do not leave me wandering. I will appreciate an upfront approach much more quickly than someone who pretends to be someone that they are not. Because you might fool me at first, but, rest assured I will eventually figure you out. And at that point, there will be nothing you can do to repair that damage. I am not saying that is a good thing, but it is how I feel. I may not like what you have to say to me, but I will always appreciate the fact that you thought enough of me to be honest. Honest people are few and in between, and I am glad when I meet them.
My favirote band off all time would have to be Nine Inch Nails, also (and if anyone out there has heard of these guys, I would love to know)the Judybats are another favirote. Although right know I am very into the Boondock Saints soundtrack, has excellent celtic music on it. I have also recently found Mike Shinoda's new gig to be awesome, highly recomended. Staind is good, Nickelback is decent. I love to listen to music that puts me in a different time and place. As if the singer is reading my mind as is singing just to me. Staind's Ephinany is a good example. Its one of those songs that whenever I hear it, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing the first time I heard it. A song is nothing more than musical poetry. A song that has meaning is very special because it feels like a very good, dependable friend. Nine Inch Nail's Hurt for instance. It pretty much described how I felt all during high school (a particularly bad time) Music reaches the deepest part of you, touches a place inside of you no one else can know.
My favirote movie would have to be the Boondock Saints. Totally kick-ass. I mean come on, who has not thought of taking justice into their own hands? I also adore The Propecy with Christopher Walkins. Chistopher Walkins, need I say more? I love movies that make you think, make you wonder about situations, traditions and such. And The Prophecy really made me think about how I was brought up to think about religion. If you want to see a totally new take on angels, check it out.
Sorry folks, not into television as a whole. Although, embarressing as this is, I do like Chris Angel Mindfreak. So sue me.
God, where to begin? I loved, loved, loved To Kill A Mockingbird. Proably one of the best books ever written. I love any literature on serial killers, Harold Shecter being one of best authers on that subject. Love just about anything that Stephen King has written. Also a big fan of H.P. Lovecraft. Also, Joyce Carol Oates, very odd woman, wonderful auther, if anyone has read Zombie or Starbright Will Be With You Soon, you know what I am talking about. Good auther, but just a tad bit odd. Enjoy Poe but not as much as Lovecraft. Also Dotothy alsion, very gritty, very real. If you are easily upset or disturbed, leave alone. Any book that makes you think differently or scares you, not because it in itself is scary but forces you to think, is a good book.
Well, there are actually not to many people I would call heros. Sad as that seems, but true. Closest I can come would be cops. And that is simply because they are some brave people. I know a lot of people do not like cops. but remember this. On a regular basis these people walk into situations that they could quite possibly not come back alive. And why? Because it is there jobs. That is what they do. That to me, deserves respect. And I know some cops are mean and assholes but you know what? There are assholes everywhere in society and believe me, some how I have met almost all of them. Also, the armed forces. They are heros in every sense of the word. Protecting the U.S.A. and being willing to die for us, people they don't even know. I may not support the war, but I sure as hell support our troops that fight for my feedom. I also, as vain as this sounds, would like to learn to be my own hero, as it is that I am me and will always be here for me.