Stephany Rose- Actress. Model. Commentator. Singer.________2007- Associate and member of HBA film productions. (hbaproductions.com_________2007- Screenwriter workshop, Paramount Studios 2007- unofficial member of the Film Industry Network.________2007- Commercial for "Hollywood Tans"- aired May-June 07.________2007- vocalist for Green Smoke Productions- currently working on background vocals for new tracks.________2006- Model for advertisement.________
2006- Hosted/Commentated "Aeronca event". Filmed & printed. ________2005- Hosted "College Life" music television series, aired KVCR.________2005- Television commercial- Advertisement for career. (Went network/ aired MTV).________2005- modeled billboard advertisement for career- went print, published. ________2005- Radio spot/commercial- Advertisement for career.________2005- Television commercial- Advertisement for career.________2004- Movie- "Tennis Master (First Serve)". Character-"Sully".________2002- Recorded song, "Say Goodbye". printed & copywriter with Green Smoke Productions.________2001- Radio spot/commercial -(Sponsored by Ghothem's Night Club) 99.1 KGGI________1993- Television commercial -"Dressing to be cool and mark you a fool".(Kids against gangs).________ retro layout @ HOT