my son,making music,skateboarding,
someone to pay me to make music so i dont have to 9-5 it,other musicians/artists of all mediums to trade or collaborate with,and just check out in general. hitler,brother theodore,genesis p orridge,and the guy who first thought of the collection basket!
My bands/music,playing bass and programming for: POVERTY ROW,JOSILLA V.S.CHUKACABRA,my solo shit "ELECTROWASTE",and my collaborations with other projects. industrial,punk,death rock/gothic,all kinds of electronic based music,metal(death/black/grind core...)hip-hop and just whatever really if its good its good no matter what you call it! fuck the bullshit that's shoved down your throat by the media find some worth while and creative music there's an endless amount in the world if you just make an effort to find it,or better yet MAKE IT YOURSELF!
"you mean the movie lied"!?(Freddy)-Return of the living dead.
Will die right before the roaches
Books are great but it's hard for me to make the time for them
people making a living doing the things they like and want to be doing,and all the people getting rich from running churches...what a great scam!