out of the box religous veiws,
baseball, hockey, art, my children, and the great outside. Living life to it's utmost fullest!
I like to ride my motor cycle (KLR 650), fly fish, canoe, and sit by a campfire talkin' shit
interesting folks, famous people, loosers, sluts, winners, heros, commoners, pilgrims, Jesus, No bums please.... hot chicks, cold fish, red fish, blue fish, Elvis, big shots, no names, and everyone in between... If you're here on this rock, HOLLA (always lookin' for someone to paint,so show me the sexy!)
not too fond of rap or country but I like some of both.
everything else is ok I guess.
They are like stories I don't have to spend time reading.
I LOVE TV !!! LOST and sports and nature / educational shows Very sad over the loss of one of my favorites the late, great croc hunter.
the lamb, and the walking drum are my favorites. Books are ok. I'm trying to catch up on my reading but usually it takes up too much of my time. i don't really do but about 2 novels a year. (Sad, I know)
Norman Rockwell, Walt Disney, Steve Irwin, my kids, my wife, my friends and family. The rest of the world must work hard to compare to the things they do for me.