Frank profile picture


Purification By Fire....Feel My Blog, Baby!

About Me

I am in your extended network. Music comes first and eating comes second. I do not touch balls. If you're cold, you're dead; and if you're cool, you're half way there. I dont want to be "the man".

My Interests

Ice Cream, Tap Dancing, You, Extortion, Bigotry, The Metric System, The Dark Days of Balls and Shaft, And Capitalizing The First Letters In things(…..shit! scratch that) Things.

I'd like to meet:

Cap'n Crunch


Charley Patton, Hank Williams, Brain Handle, Shit Mayor, Stillyagi, Black Flag, Albert Ayler, John Coltrane, The Who, Warren Zevon, The Cramps, Elvis (sun & fat years only!), John Cash, Thin Lizzy, The Stooges, Alice Cooper Group, Fear, Master Musicians of Jajouka, Sun Ra, Monks, Gang of Four, Franz Liszt, Agnostic Front, Black Sabbath, Magma, John Zorn...ECT


My Inheritance, Raging Bull, Lost Highway, Holy Mountain, Freddie Got Fingered, Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, L’Anticoncept, Taxi Driver, Anchorman, Helter Skelter (the made for tv movie), Wet Hot American Summer, M, Bio-Dome, Soul Plain (not to be confused with Soul Plane), and The Seventh Seal, Selected directorial works of John Cassavetes.


I watch Cracker Hunt, Plantation Island, and infomercials only!


The Golden Bough, anything by: Dr. Thompson, Henry Miller, Hubert Selby, & Bukowski. I enjoy music biographies and theory, porn, and books about war, Situationist literature and anything else cool I come across both figurative and literally. Currently, I have decided to tackle Das Capital after I just trudged through the pissness of Being and Nothingness, as part of something I call “Frank’s Big Book Club”.


Albert Ayler, John Cassavetes, & Chuck Dukowski.