plaYinG baskEtball , soccer and any kind of sports , umm . watching tv and chatting in the phone and computer, Go JalaN JaLAn , haNgIng ARouND wIth FrIEnDs , pArtYiNg ANd All CraZY StuFfZzz
any body whO is IntereSted oR Lindsay Lohan And Amanda byNes WouLDnt hUrt t0o0 (iN mY DreAmS) =)img src=" 0x208.jpg"
Any thiNg (dePendS on whT MooD i Am In) =D SwEeT ! ! ! hahhah Um CradlE oF thE filth - *hallowed Be Thy nAMe* maRooN 5 - *ShE will Be LOvED* AvRil lAvignE - *haPPy ENdnG* LiFehoUSe - *evrytHIng* dasHboarD - *vinticated* hoobastank - *The reaSON* , Amanda PereZ - *I prAy* linKinPArk - *BreaKINg tHE haBIT* evenesance - *My ImmorTal* sEether n amY lEe - *bRokEN* n loAds moreimg src = " artoons/Smiles/acid.gif"
Um .. AvP , KinG aRthUR - thE bSt- , Van helsinG, FIrST lRomanCe, jACkAsS, SpideRman 2 n all the FreakiNG lasTEST SHiT !img src = ""
AnYzZz ! ! dUnnOZzZimg src = " artoons/Smiles/fading_smiley.gif"
soRry DuNnoZ DonT reAd ThT muCh ... =pimg src = " artoons/Smiles/Red_Smiley.gif"
SupErMAn hahaha