Raymond profile picture


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About Me

IMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat
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PaRT 1 aBT mE um .... Im OnE CraZY pErSon At SOmetiMEs ... mY mOoD aLwAys chANge buT wHeN i GeT rEAllY hYpEr DuDE u'll LauGh Ur AsS oUT man And iM oNe crAzY bAsTRd.. hahaha wHT ElSe to SaY um .... Im Not GoOD At StUDiES (hehe) juST plAin lAzY wh0 IsNt rGHt ! iM a Very SpoRty gUY i PlaY loAdS oF SportS buT bEsT at bAskEtball & SoccER ... =D whEn BorEd lIsteN To mUSic oR uSinG tHe PC .... paRt 2 nExt tiME ... hehe :D CiaOZzZzPaRt 2 um .... Im freaking waCkeD N NuTS haha =D.. i liKe 2 paRty N havE Fun .. Chill with FRiendS loaDs oF timE .. N thinkIng oF death loADs of Time hehe =D Um .. wht else 2 say abT me .. Um .. I RowK n again I rOwK.. HahHA UM .. i DOnt ThINk Abt My fuTuRe . juST EnjOyng tHe preSent ! hahA i can tell u tHIs thT LyF SUX .. So EnJoy it ! n hAve Fun WhIle iT lasT ! eVenthouGh iT suX .. ! hahahha thtS all laTErzZ
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My Interests

plaYinG baskEtball , soccer and any kind of sports , umm . watching tv and chatting in the phone and computer, Go JalaN JaLAn , haNgIng ARouND wIth FrIEnDs , pArtYiNg ANd All CraZY StuFfZzz

I'd like to meet:

any body whO is IntereSted oR Lindsay Lohan And Amanda byNes WouLDnt hUrt t0o0 (iN mY DreAmS) =)img src="http://entimg.msn.com/i/150/ce/0204/LindseyLoh_Wargo_15 0x208.jpg"


Any thiNg (dePendS on whT MooD i Am In) =D SwEeT ! ! ! hahhah Um CradlE oF thE filth - *hallowed Be Thy nAMe* maRooN 5 - *ShE will Be LOvED* AvRil lAvignE - *haPPy ENdnG* LiFehoUSe - *evrytHIng* dasHboarD - *vinticated* hoobastank - *The reaSON* , Amanda PereZ - *I prAy* linKinPArk - *BreaKINg tHE haBIT* evenesance - *My ImmorTal* sEether n amY lEe - *bRokEN* n loAds moreimg src = "http://www.animationlibrary.com/Animation11/Creatures_and_C artoons/Smiles/acid.gif"


Um .. AvP , KinG aRthUR - thE bSt- , Van helsinG, FIrST lRomanCe, jACkAsS, SpideRman 2 n all the FreakiNG lasTEST SHiT !img src = "http://users.aol.com/vipercyber/private/pictures/eye.jpg"


AnYzZz ! ! dUnnOZzZimg src = "http://www.animationlibrary.com/Animation11/Creatures_and_C artoons/Smiles/fading_smiley.gif"


soRry DuNnoZ DonT reAd ThT muCh ... =pimg src = "http://www.animationlibrary.com/Animation11/Creatures_and_C artoons/Smiles/Red_Smiley.gif"


SupErMAn hahaha