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So.... my, MySpace profile was based around local and national music production; a way to communicate with all the great unsigned and signed bands in the Northwest. I am currently on hiatus from The Society, I do plan on starting promoting and managing bands after the birth of my second child in June.
Born and raised in Shrewsbury Massachusetts....grew up on Maple Avenue...I have 1 brother and 1 sister. In 1988 my family moved to Clearwater Florida, there I spent my teen years, graduated in 1994 from Dunedin High School and joined the United States Air Force 1 month after graduation. I was stationed at Mountain Home AFB... In the Air Force I was a F15 Production Manager and got to see the world...lots of people say they've parked out in BFE...well shit...i've been to Egypt...and thats not even close. hahahah Married my loving wife Kim in 1997 and ended up honorably discharged from the Air Force in 2002...from there Kim and I moved back to Florida where I was introduced to Networking and Production Management in an all new aspect...Information Technology, after a year of partying and enjoying Florida Kim and I packed it up and move back to Idaho where I began a five year career with SCP Global Technologies....while employed with SCP I took advantage of the tuition reimbursement and attended ITT and obtained my degree in Business and Network Engineering...In 2002 Kim and I welcomed our first child to the world...our precious Zakkary Raymond Lauzon...the best thing I have ever the same time I was also laid off from SCP Global and got to spend 1 1/2 home with my lil` man. I then was hired by Albertson's Store Support Center where I was an specialist in the Benefits Department. We just had our 2nd child in June our oh so beautiful Zoey Elizabeth Lauzon. After her birth I was let go from Albertsons, so currently I temp for Kelly Services doing IT 'stuff' which is sooo much better than Albertons....I also work for a company called Crossmark managing there manufactured products for Walmart
In my spare I also enjoy running my own company The Society and my Stronger Than You Ebay Store....The Society was something that I started when I worked with Stakt and Sub*Vert both great local metal bands here in Boise....I try to offer a professional Production Management company to help bands book shows and of course manage the performance that night. The Society has presented numerous local and national shows to include Six Feet Under, 36 Crazyfist, FiveFootThick, The Boise Dimebag Darrel show....My basis for MySpace account is for networking with bands and advertising shows.
So yet another change in the Lauzon camp...I decided to get back into the military...tried to go back into the Air Force but with the cut backs it wasnt I checked with the Army and they were more than willing...yea to send me to Iraq....well not yet anyway...i've been away training since Feb 26th, been to Ft Sill Ok to Sante Fe NM to White Sands NM and now back to Ft Sill...i'm almost done with MOS Q and will be heading to Germany...i'm pretty excited...this hasn't been easy one of the hardest most physical things ever...but its all worth it....ill keep you posted!!!!
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