Auto Racing, Golf, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Computers, History, Music, Reading and cars
On the professional side; I’m always looking for new Potential sponsors for my racing career and efforts, I'm currently looking to advance into higher forms of racing.On the personal side; I'm looking for someone who's friendly, funny, sexy, romantic, honest, and trusting. I get along with all personality types, except I really don’t like quitters. That was one thing I hated about my Ex; she was a quitters.I would also like to meet someone I can have intelligent conversation with and discuss different type of events.2006 NASA National Championship Race at Mid-Ohio
I love Progressive rock, Alternative rock, Classic rock, 80's music
The Natural, Le Mans, Grand Prix, The Great Escape, Breakfest Club, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
NCIS, JAG, X-Files, College Football, Baseball, Top Gear RACING!! SPEED CHANNEL
Cornelius Ryan, Stephen E. Ambrose, Martin Gilbert and Tom Clancy
John Paul Jones, Rick Mears, Ted Williams and my Father