Jennyska profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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You Are Beer!
You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars.
More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends.
And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper.
But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!" What Alcoholic Drink Are You?

My Interests



the pixies, smashing pumpkins,the sexy drugs ;), rolling stones, depeche mode, oasis, manic street preachers,Mickey Avalon, the strokes, the hives, the killers, the distillers, the libertines,babyshambles,the subways, the used,the white stripes, the shins, my chemical romance, arctic monkeys, yeah yeah yeahs, the kooks, red hot chili peppers,die Aerzte, JJ72, idlewild, suede, blink 182,...definitely a rock girl but also Elton John, Marvin Gaye, Elvis the Pelvis, some Disco and play that funky music white boy stuff ;) hate: techno, house, jungle and all that other ambient crap, new and experimental jazz, not a big fan of hip hop also..
Icky Thump lyrics


Into the wild, Transformers, all these based on a comic-book movies like Spiderman, Sin City, Hellboy, X-Men, Fantastic 4, etc... let's go to prison, van wilder, harold and kumar are going to white castle, zoolander, meet the parents, 40 year old virgin, detroit rock city, shrek 1-3, trainspotting, bend it like beckham, Ocean's eleven+Ocean's thirteen, lord of the rings 1-3, star wars 1-6, absolute giganten, sonnenallee, goodfellas,...


Friends, CSI (las vegas, miami, NY-in that order),Boston legal, House MD; grey's anatomy, Gilmore Girls, OZ, sopranos, rescue me, the Simpsons, Family guy, Ren and Stimpy.


favorite book of all time: the name of the rose,kill yourself to live-85% of a true story by chuck klosterman and I guess all his other stuff, discworld novels by terry pratchett, T.C.Boyle, thriller and crime novels in general, shadowrun novels, IM by Connie Palmen, Herr lehmann and neue vahr sued by Sven Regener, almost everything by Benjamnin von Stuckrad-Barre, Hartmut!!!, everything by Oscar Wilde, Wise Guy,....


...are so eighties..