The Incredible, Indelible, Spastic Spyder Harms profile picture

The Incredible, Indelible, Spastic Spyder Harms

Standing on the beach with a gun in my hand. Staring at the sea,staring at the sand.

About Me

Graduate of AACC with a certificate in Graphic Design. Very skilled with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Currently, I work as a stage hand part-time while trying to launch a career as a freelance artist/ graphic designer/ tattooist.

My Interests

Drawing, sketching, creating my original designs. Tattoo flash and tattooing.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody who is a real person and not a pretentious phony!!
Like George Bush!
Did he get your vote?


I like a lot of music, but the basics for me are Punk/metal/hard rock. Also, if you took the time to read this, then PLEASE, do yourself a favor, and go check out
Hail the Night
They are at the top of my friends network to the right of where you are reading now. These guys FUCKIN' KICK ASS! They have been laboring hard in the studio, even when times have been rough to these guys. They have been rolling with the tides and not missing a beat to get their album out. If you love real fuckin metal, then that visit to their page is where you need to go after visiting mine!;]


Action, comedy, anime, horror,sci-fi, anything with a good story.


I overdose on Cartoon Network and Wrestling! Lately, I've been watching a lot of crime shows and cold case file shows. One can't help but feel something churn within them when viewing crime scene photos and hearing the harsh facts of humankinds most depraved acts against itself. And people say Horror movies cause nightmares!


Don't read much due to adult ADD, but I've always been fond of comics and anything with killer graphic work.


My Daughter! At 3 years old, her will power and determination are beyond her years. Not only did she learn to walk when the doctors said she wouldn't without surgery, she learned to walk again after her surgery. And run, jump, climb and get into trouble daily!

My Blog

Who Cares What the Kennedys Think?!?

Seriously?!? The only Kennedys that carried any clout are dead. that being Robert and JFK. Let us not forget The Chappaquiddick Incident in 1969 where brave Ted swam to shore saving his own ass and le...
Posted by The Incredible, Indelible, Spastic Spyder Harms on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 04:32:00 PST

Fewest Dropped Calls!? B*LLSH*T!!!

Cingular/AT&T claims that they have the fewest dropped calls of any network. That's because it's near impossible to make a call or receive a call on their network! After several attempts, all endi...
Posted by The Incredible, Indelible, Spastic Spyder Harms on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 09:56:00 PST

Six Years Ago.

Six Years Ago I was living in Eatontown, NJ and I stayed up late Sept. 10th thinking about wether I should go to the piss poor paying job I had or ride the train to New York and look for work up ther...
Posted by The Incredible, Indelible, Spastic Spyder Harms on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 05:23:00 PST