Pass-N-G-R...Zani Mitrevski...massiva music - Skopje, Macedonia...One of the pioneers of the Macedonian techno scene. His activities begins back in 1992, responsible for the very first techno parties in Macedonia, radio shows … Also, he was the founder and owner of the first record store in Skopje - music shop Massiva opened 1995. ......Plays techno in a different forms and styles following his big experience with the various producers, labels, DJ's … what he plays - he calls driving techno! Always trying to keep the rhythm up, likes deep and driving bass-lines, sometimes even darker and harder …......DJ's played with: John Acquaviva, Oliver Ho, Gaetano Parisio, Umek, Valentino Kanzyani, Robert De La Gauthier, Access 58, DJ Misjah, Marko Nastich, Eric Fisher, Evil Eddie Richards, Ade Fenton, CJ Bolland , Sven Vath , Dave Clarke , Mark Broom , Terry Mitchell , Mark Williams , Staffan Ehrlin , Elton D , Paul Mac …......Played at lot of different places and parties all around Macedonia - including organizing parties, hosting foreign DJ's, was a part of a lot of big gigs and festivals … , few gig's in Bulgaria (Sofia-including the big party with Sven Vath-2003), Croatia (Rijeka-club Jupiter), few in Serbia and Montenegro (Nish, Subotica, Herceg - Novi, Podgorica, Knjazevac), Romania (Bukurest-club Snatch), Slovenia (Ljubljana-The Ride), USA (Cleveland-Spacerush 2000), Germany (Hamburg 1999) …......
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