But for the Grace of God profile picture

But for the Grace of God

I am here for Friends

About Me

MyHotCommentsHey, what's up? If you take time to read this, you are cool with me. I am 24 years old, I live in Boca Raton, FL. I like movies, friends, Hangin out, bowling, meetings, the mall and meeting new people. I've been through a lot of adversity in life, but for the grace of God, I got through it and I hold my head high! I don't play games with people, I am getting to old for that shit. I try and keep it as real as possible. I live just for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised to me. I rely on my higher power which I choose to call God, to get me thru the rough times and thank him for the good ones.Myspace Contact Tables
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My Interests

MyHotCommentsI like the movies, hanging with my friends, going to the mall, waverunning, tubing, hiking, biking, skiing, watching tv, listening to music, doing movie night, ridin out, meetings, traveling and doing crazy shit and just chillin!
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I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet some interesting people, who aren't full of shit. I would love to meet my Grandma who died before I was born. I would like to meet a ton of great musicians. I wanna meet REAL people. I'd like to meet the right guy for me, but I guess its just not time yet, patience is a virtue. I am a very independent women and I dont need a guy to support me. So Holla at ya girl!
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I love all kind of shit! Bob Marley- (Jah) ~One Love~ Sublime Justin Timberlake 50 Cent Fergie Dave Matthews Band Greenday Tom Petty The Dead Lil Wayne Bone Thugs Eminem Weezy Snoop Dogg Tupac Biggie well I am not gonna sit here and name them all, those are the first ones that came to mind!
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The Da Vinci Code, Dumb & Dumber, The Godfather I, II, III, Scarface, King Kong, Mickey Blue Eyes, Pirates of the Caribbean, Menace II Society, Friday, Crash, Casino, Fast & Furious, Recquium For a Dream, Half Baked, Pulp Fiction, Ferris Bullers Day off, and a whole bunch of others I don't have time to write down.
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Law and Order Special Victims Unit, INTERVENTION, Sopranos, The First 48, Dog the Bounty Hunter, COPS and some other shit.
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Catcher and the Rye, The Doors, To kill a mockingbird, The four agreements, Alcoholics Annonymous, and Just for today, umm I don't read a lot so I will have to think about this.
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I don't idealize any humans, because we all have faults.
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