I'd like to meet:
the layouts
the key
bold = broadway
[number] = skinny
underlined = guys can use
all of my layouts
1. 2. 3.
<[b>1.] 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12.
i make mostly all of my backgrounds. a few might be from photobucket or xanga. i make all of my collages and most of my other patterns,so don`t take them!hello and welcome to color my world layouts! i used to own glbm, but i got deleted. i decided that name was gay, so here i am.
also, sorry i don`t have many layouts up so far, but i have been busy with all school stuff, such as volleyball tryouts and what not and a lot of other stuff that`s keeping me busy
note:some of my layouts may have my old layout site label on them, so don`t say "jocker!"
the rules
1. comment when using a layout
2. please no copying or jocking
3. don`t send stupid messages
4. don`t ask for html help
5. enjoy my layouts